Impressum / DSGVO

Saturday, June 1, 2013

International Milk Day 2013 - Internationaler Tag der Milch 2013

Today, 1st June, 2013, is International World Milk Day.
Heute, am 1. Juni 2013, ist Internationaler Tag der Milch.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations was asked to propose a specific day to celebrate milk, thus providing the international community with an opportunity to focus attention on milk and to publicize activities connected with milk and the milk industry.
Die Food and Agricultural Oganization der Vereinten Nationen wurde gebeten einen speziellen Tag vorzuschlagen, an dem die Milch gefeiert werden soll und der internationalen Gemeinschaft die Möglichkeit gegeben werden kann, das allgemeine Interesse für Milch zu fördern und Aktivitäten und Feierlichkeiten rund um die Milch bekannt zu machen.

Since milk is a highly nutritious liquid, and is a very versatile kitchen ingredient, why not prepare something for the family and yourself that contains milk or milk products as one of the main ingredients, such as this Homemade Pudding. And why not let the kids join in the fun and help with the preparation.
Da Milch sehr gesund ist und vielseitig in der Küche angewendet werden kann, wäre es da nicht heute eine gute Idee, etwas für die eigene Familie und sich zu kochen, das Milch oder Milchprodukte enthält? So wie dieser Selbstgemachte Grießpudding. Besonders schön ist es, wenn die Kinder in der Küche und bei der Zubereitung helfen könnten.

The recipe is easy and quick and will certainly be enjoyed by everyone – you can serve this Semolina Pudding with a bit of homemade Vanilla Sauce and some fresh seasonal fruits as well.
Semolina Pudding

Ingredients for the Pudding

1 vanilla bean
750 ml whole milk
250 ml cream
100 grams semolina flour
75 grams sugar

one Pudding dish
saran (cling) wrap

Das Rezept ist einfach, schnell gemacht und wird bestimmt gut ankommen. Natürlich man kann diesen Grießpudding auch mit selbstgemachter Vanillesauce und frischen Beeren der Saison oder anderem Obst servieren.

Selbstgemachter Grießpudding

Zutaten für dem Pudding

1 Vanilleschote
750 ml Milch
250 ml Sahne
100 Gramm Weichweizengrieß
75 Gramm Zucker

eine Puddingform

Preparation of the Semolina Pudding

1. Scrape the seeds from the vanilla bean and add the seeds as well as the bean to a medium saucepan.
2. Then add the milk and the cream to the saucepan and bring to a boil.
3. Take the bean out of the milk and add the semolina flour and sugar and to the pan.
4. On lowest heat possible let the pudding bubble up for a few minutes.
5. Clean the pudding dish with cold water and do not dry.
6. Transfer the semolina mixture to the pudding dish, cover with saran (cling) wrap and place in the fridge for about four hours or until it has settled and is firm to the touch.
7. Turn the pudding out onto a plate and serve with homemade vanilla sauce and fresh seasonal fruits, cinnamon sugar or just plain.

Zubereitung des Grießpuddings

1. Die Vanilleschote auskratzen und das Mark zusammen mit der Schote in einen mittleren Topf geben.
2. Milch und Sahne ebenfalls in den Topf geben und aufkochen lassen.
3. Die Vanilleschote aus der Milch-Sahne- Mischung herausnehmen, dann Grieß und den Zucker zugeben und mit dem Schneebesen kräftig umrühren.
4. Auf niedrigster Hitze weiterrühren und einige Minuten vorsichtig köcheln.
5. Die Puddingform mit kaltem Wasser ausspülen und nicht abtrocknen.
6. Den noch warmen Grießpudding in die Form füllen, mit Folie abdecken und für zirka vier Stunden in den Kühlschrank stellen bis der Pudding fest wird.
7. Den Pudding aus der Form auf einen Teller stürzen und mit selbstgemachter Vanillesauce, frischen Obst oder Zimtzucker servieren.

Whatever you make or prepare today to celebrate milk, do make sure to have some fun with a recipe or two that features milk as one or more of the ingredient(s). You can use whole milk or skim, buttermilk or cream, evaporated milk or condensed milk, or any other type of dairy product such as yogurt, ice cream. Do not limit yourself to cows milk, goat milk dairy products and milk are also delicious.

Enjoy with family and friends, spread the word and have fun!

Wie auch immer du heute feierst, es soll auf jeden Fall allen Beteiligten jede Menge Spaß machen und schmecken. Du kannst ein Rezept oder mehrere Rezepte mit Vollmilch oder Magermilch, mit Buttermilch oder Sahne, mit Kondensmilch oder anderen Milchprodukten wie Jogurt oder Eiscreme zubereiten. Und außer Kuhmilchprodukten gibt es ja auch noch Ziegenmilch und Produkte aus Ziegenmilch.

Genieß´ diesen Tag mit Familie und Freunden und entdeck´ die Vielfalt dieses gesunden Produktes gemeinsam!


  1. This looks so delicious but even better are those darling girls!

    1. Chris, thanks so much - these two smiling faces are two of my girls and they were having a ball today! They helped in the kitchen and they enjoyed this easy, family-friendly Semolina Pudding with homemade Vanilla Sauce and fresh blueberries!

  2. Beautiful pudding, pictures and family! I didn't knew that today was Milk's Day. Funny though that today in Portugal we celebrate Children's Day!
    I also liked that this post is bilingual and has two columns (wonder how I could do it too ;) ), making the reading very easy and, for me, particularly interesting! I guess I must try commenting in German, but I feel a little embarassed! ;)

    Schönen Sonntag!

    1. Muito obrigado, Inês! This post is meant as the first of many (I hope) bilingual posts. It was getting a little bit frustrating not being able to convince any German speaking readers to follow me along, hopefully that will change!
      Liebe Grüße aus Bonn und noch einen schönen Samstag/Wochenende!

  3. Wie immer ein schönes Rezept und gelungene Fotos. Und dass es die KitchenLioness jetzt auch in Deutsch gibt, gefällt mir gut.
    Viele Grüße

    1. Das ist lieb von dir!!! Schön, dass dir die KitchenLioness, die Fotos and die Rezepte gefällen! Und mir gefällt mein erster deutscher Kommentar, da hat sich die Übersetzung ja gelohnt!
      Einen schönen Samstag noch!

  4. Oh those girls...they just melt my heart! Could they be any more beautiful? And I loved seeing this beautiful pudding. I'm sitting down with some cookies and milk just now, so this post was perfect timing. Thank you so much for sharing, sweet friend. I'm eager to give this a go! I hope you have a wonderful end to your weekend and a great start to your week! Give your sweet family a hug from me!

    1. Thank you so much, Monet - the girls are always a little hesitant to have their picture taken and posted on my blog but yesterday they agreed and had a lot of fun when they helped me prepare the pudding, set the table and enjoy some of the first fresh blueberries of the year. We are thinking about you and wish you happiness and health for those last "weeks".

  5. What's not to love about this exquisite how you added a vanilla sauce and yummy!

    1. Thanks, Liz, this Semolina Pudding with Vanilla Sauce and fresh blueberrries is a nice calcium rich treat for the kids and the rest of the family.

  6. Oh Andrea, just beautiful!! I love pudding! I know I would really enjoy your Semolina Pudding with Vanilla Sauce! I am bookmarking this one! Have a great day! BTW…Your girls are adorable!

    1. Kathy, thank you so much, the Semolina Pudding is simple, yet delicious and just looks so wholesome, I could not resist the attraction of an old-fashioned recipe, one my beloved grand-mother used to make!

  7. The girls looks so happy - I would,too, if I were about to dig into that beautiful pudding.

    1. Teresa, that Semolina Pudding would make anyone smile, I think, that is if you like this kind of dessert! Thanks for the comment!

  8. Semolina flour is such a favorite of mine, but good recipes are hard to come by. Thanks for sharing this one Andrea! It sounds amazing and your girls are so beautiful! Lovely table you put together.

    1. Paula, this is just a wonderful and easy recipe - kids can make it alone or at least help with the preparation which does not really take longer than a few minutes. - you only have to wait a few hours for it to cool down before you can serve it.

  9. This is so beautiful! Your girls and your pudding! I really like the idea of the bilingual post! And I definitely have to try to make a pudding soon! I was wondering if I could make it with almond milk because of my lactose problem!

    1. Maria, I never really cooked with almond milk before but since I am going to my favorite Natural Food Store today anyways, I will get some and make this Semolina Pudding with the almond milk and let you know how it turns out!

      Thanks for letting me know about the bi-lingual posts, I would really like to write all my posts in two languages but it does take quite a bit of extra time and I might not always be able to but I will definitely try!

  10. The dessert looks beautiful and I am sure tastes delicious. And the girls are just darling! What a fun post. You always amaze me with your creativity and beautiful photos. They make my day.

    1. Cindy, thank you very much, your lovely comments always make my day!

  11. The pudding looks so delicious! I love milk, it's so nutritious and it tastes great.

    1. Thrishie, thank you very much - being pregnant, I am sure you drink your fair share of milk but once in a while it is also nice to cook or bake with it and have some delicious results!

  12. Oh, Andrea, I saw this Post come through on Friday and you just helped me smile. Now my smile wasn't as large as those of your two little ladies but, almost. They are so pleased with themselves. Love the hot pad glove. This is a wonderful post celebrating a wonderful food product - Milk. I didn't even know it was International Milk Day so thank you for that Lesson. I enjoy your including your family in your Posts and hope you will continue doing that. This made me even more sad to have not met you personally but there is no doubt that I made the right decision to cancel my trip. My entire past nine years just seemed to come crashing down on me the night before my departure for France - never have experienced anything like that. But, things are getting better here now and I can tell from your Posts that you are thriving in this Food Blogging world. All is well.

    1. Thank you so much, Mary, for all you lovely comments - I really appreciate getting your feedback on my posts! The girls were laughing so much - apparently they were having quite a lot of fun - that it was kind of hard even taking their picture - but in the end, we had a great day, lots of good food and a great dessert with lots of milk and nice pictures too!

  13. What can I say...a wonderful dish prepared with the help of two of your adorable girls. I've been having trouble with my comments going through but hopefully blogspot will cooperate today. :)

    1. Karen, there should really be no problem with comments coming through, I had it checked again and everthing is running quite smoothly I was told - thanks for stopping by and I am delighted to read that you enjoy this milky post!

    2. I don't know what the problem is is not just on your blog that I have this problem with. Somedays every comment that I try to make on all Blogspot posts just disappear in thin air. Other days, they go through. I have sent emails to most everyone on Blogspot that I follow to let them know that I am reading the posts even if they don't see comments from me.

  14. Never know such international milk day before,
    shame on me..
    Nothing more to say, your milk pudding is preety,
    btw i had a bunch of vanilla bean in my cabinet since my grandpas had the plant...
    i think i find the correct recipes for that...
    i vanilla bean is too cheappy..hehehe
    i use tons of it!

    1. Thanks, Dede, glad you are having fun with this post - International Milk Day seemed like a good day to post a nice recipe that has one healthy dairy as the main ingredient.

  15. Your Semolina Pudding is lovely. What a perfect way to celebrate the occasion. I've always miss the celebration of these national days. :P But with a wonderful pudding like this, it's never too late to celebrate the next day. hehe.....thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Amy, thanky for the nice comment - gald you like the Semolina Pudding because it is delcious.

  16. I have not seen a dessert quite like this, but it is so interesting to me. I would like to try this some day (especially with vanilla sauce)

    1. Cher, this is just one very simple pudding which thickens with the semolina flour - it is quite delicious, a treat that I used to enjoy tremendously in my childhood - and we still like to eat this today.

  17. No eggs! I love it.
    Somehow, my puddings come out eggy. Yuck.
    I have to try this one, Andrea. xo

    1. Colette, indeed no eggs in there, just semolina flour, milk, sugar and pure vanilla - I am sure that you would enjoy this kind of dessert.
