Impressum / DSGVO

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sustainability and Swedish Cinnamon Buns (Kanelbullar)

During the week of June 15th to 21st, 2013, the German Council for Sustainable Development  invites everyone to participate in the German Sustainability Action Week and to make a contribution towards sustainability. The objective of sustainability is to find a fair and even balance between the needs of the present-day generation and the prospects of future generations. The contributions that can be made are as varied as the participants and they take place all over the country.
Diese Woche (vom 15. Bis zum 21. Juni 2013) hat der Deutsche Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung dazu aufgerufen, bei der „Aktionswoche zur Nachhaltigkeit“ mitzumachen.
Das Ziel der Nachhaltigkeit ist eine ausgewogene und gerechte Balance zwischen den Bedürfnissen der heutigen Generation und den Lebensperspektiven künftiger Generationen zu finden. Jeder kann mitmachen und die Aktionen die im ganzen Land stattfinden, sind genauso vielfältig wie die Teilnehmer selbst.

Schools and Universities might have a “green menu” this week at their cafeterias, there will be workshops, demonstrations, exhibitions and guided tours with respect to farming and healthy eating. There will be special cooking classes and presentations of how to re-use food stuffs and package materials and much more.
Einige Schulen und Universitäten haben diese Woche eine „grüne Menükarte“, es wird Workshops, Vorführungen, Ausstellungen und geführte Touren geben, bei denen über Landwirtschaft und gesundes Essen informiert wird. Es werden auch Kochkurse gegeben und andere Kurse, die über das Verwenden von verschieden Essensvorräten im Haushalt informieren. Und das sind nur einige wenige Beispiele der Aktionen in dieser Aktionswoche stattfinden werden.

Since this is a topic that concerns all of us, why not take out that wicker shopping basket or grab those cotton grocery bags and try to find a new local source of food this week, one that you have not tried before or make an extra effort to just shop locally this week for regional and seasonal produce. And why not prepare something wonderful for yourself, your family and friends using these local ingredients such as vegetables (there is still quite a bit of local rhubarb and asparagus available), fruits (local strawberries are abundant right now), honey (local spring harvest honey is available) and do not forget the eggs from a local chicken farm or wonderful flour from a local flour mill. It might only seem like a small contribution but it is certainly important.
Da Nachhaltigkeit uns alle angeht, warum schnappen Sie sich nicht den Einkaufskorb (aus Korb) oder Einkaufstaschen (aus Baumwolle) und versuchen, ein paar neue regionale Produkte ausfindig zu machen. Und warum nicht etwas Leckeres mit diesen regionalen Produkten für sich selbst, die Familie oder liebe Freunde kochen? Zur Zeit gibt es noch jede Menge regionalen Rhabarber oder Spargel, es gibt auch schon Erdbeeren vom Hof oder vom Feld. Auch vom Imker gibt es Honig und im Hofladen in ihrer Nähe Eier, Butter, Käse und Milch. Und dann nichts wie ran ans Backen oder Kochen mit den leckeren Produkten von hier! Das mag nichts besonders erscheinen, aber es ist ein wichtiger und gar nicht so kleiner Schritt auf dem Weg zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit.

These delicious and easy Swedish Cinnamon Buns will delight your family – I used artisanal flour from a local flour mill for these treats. I found the mill a few months ago and I adore the different kinds of flour they carry and love to use them in my baking, especially for my yeast doughs. The egg in the dough as well as the butter and the milk are from a farm that we visit once a week.
Diese leckeren und einfachen Schwedischen Zimtschnecken werden großen Anklang finden. Das Mehl für den Teig habe ich direkt in der Broicher Mühle in Wachtberg-Villip gekauft, Milch, Butter und das Ei kommen von einem Hofladen, den wir einmal die Woche besuchen. Vor allem beim Verarbeiten des Mehls merkt man (neben dem eigenen guten Gewissen) auch einen samtweichen Griff, hervorragende Eigenschaften beim Aufgehen und schließlich einen wunderbaren Geschmack.

Swedish Cinnamon Buns (Kanelbullar) - Schwedische Zimtschnecken

Ingredients for the Yeast Dough
  • 2 tsp instant yeast (I used "Seitenbacher" instant dry yeast)
  • 50 grams fine (caster) sugar
  • 60 grams unsalted butter (farm fresh if possible)
  • 150 ml milk, scalded and cooled (farm fresh if possible)
  • 1 egg (L) free range or organic
  • ½ tsp fine sea salt
  • 1 tsp freshly ground cardamom (I prefer to start with whole cardamom seeds and grind them using my mortar and pestle - the cardamom will be more flavorful that way - I used "Sonnentor", whole cardamom)
  • 325 grams strong white flour (I used a “type 1050” from my local flour mill)

Zutaten für den Hefeteig

  • 2 TL Hefe (Seitenbacher Trockenhefe)
  • 50 Gramm feinster Zucker
  • 60 Gramm Butter (vom Hof)
  • 150 ml Milch, aufgekocht und abgekühlt (vom Hof)
  • 1 Ei (L), Bio oder Freilandhaltung 
  • ½ TL feines Meersalz
  • 1 TL frisch gemörserter Kardamom (Sonnentor, Kardamom, ganz)
  • 325 Gramm Mehl für Hefeteige („Type 1050“ von der Broicher Mühle)

Ingredients for the Filling

  • 60 grams unsalted butter, room temperature (farm fresh if possible)
  • 60 grams fine (caster) sugar
  • 3 tsp ground cinnamon (I used "Sonnentor", organic mild cinnamon, type "Ceylon")

Ingredients for the Garnish
  • one portion of the whisked egg
  • some pearl sugar

Special Euipment needed
  • paper bun cases (these are wider than regular muffin cases)

Preparation of the Yeast Dough and the Filling
  1. Whisk the egg and divide in two. You need half for the dough, and half for the egg wash before baking. Set half the egg aside.
  2. Put the flour and butter into a bowl, and rub with your fingers until the butter has been incorporated. 
  3. Mix in the salt, sugar, cardamom and yeast. 
  4. In a separate bowl, combine the milk and the one portion of the whisked egg, then pour into the dry ingredients. 
  5. Stir with a spoon, then work with your hands until you have a smooth, stretchy, silky dough (at least 5 minutes). 
  6. Butter a bowl and place the dough inside, cover with a slightly dampened tea towel.
  7. Leave the dough in a warm draft free area for about an hour or until the dough has doubled in size.
  8. Knock back and knead again for 2 to 3 minutes.
  9. Turn the dough onto a floured surface. Roll into a large rectangle until the dough is about 1/2 cm thick. 
  10. Mix all the ingredients for the filling in a bowl until smooth.
  11. Spread the filling onto the rolled out dough, then roll up into a sausage. 
  12. Use a sharp knife to cut into about 16 slices.
  13. Lay each slice, cut face up, on a paper bun case.
  14. Cover with a slightly dampened tea towel and leave to rise for at least an hour or until doubled in size.
  15. Preheat your oven to 210 degrees Celsius.
  16. Take the remaining portion of the whisked egg and mix with a tablespoon of water. 
  17. Brush the buns with the egg wash and sprinkle with pearl sugar. 
  18. Bake the buns for about 10 minutes until golden.

Zutaten für die Füllung

  • 60 Gramm Butter (vom Hof)
  • 60 Gramm feinster Zucker
  • 3 TL gemahlener Zimt (Sonnentor Zimt, mild, Sorte Ceylon, Bio)

Zutaten für den Belag

  • ein wenig Ei
  • etwas Hagelzucker


  • Papierförmchen für Zimtschnecken (sind breiter als Muffin Papierbackförmchen)

Zubereitung des Hefeteigs und der Füllung

  1. Das Ei verquirlen und teilen. Eine Hälfte braucht man für den Teig, die andere Hälfte fürs Bestreichen der Schnecken.
  2. Das Mehl zusammen mit der Butter in eine Schüssel geben und mit den Fingern kneten.
  3. Das Salz, den Zucker, Kardamom und Hefe hineingeben.
  4. In einer anderen Schüssel die Milch mit dem restlichen Ei verquirlen und zu der Mehlmischung geben.
  5. Erst mit einem Holzlöffel, dann mit den Händen so lange rühren und kneten bis ein weicher, homogener Teig entsteht. Das dauert ungefähr fünf Minuten.
  6. Eine Schüssel mit Butter einreiben und den Hefeteig hinein geben. Mit einem feuchten Küchentuch abdecken.
  7. Den Teig zugedeckt an einem warmen Ort ca. 1 Stunde gehen lassen (bis der Teig sich verdoppelt hat).
  8. Den Teig mit den Händen kurz durchkneten (ungefähr 2 bis 3 Minuten).
  9. Dann den Teig auf einer bemehlten Arbeitsfläche ausrollen (soll zirka ½ cm dick sein).
  10. Die Zutaten für die Füllung zusammen mischen.
  11. Die Füllung gleichmäßig auf den Teig streichen und den Teig von der Längsseite aufrollen .
  12. Mit einem scharfen Messer in 16 Scheiben schneiden.
  13. Schnecken auf Backförmchen legen, Teigenden festdrücken und nochmals etwas flach drücken.
  14. Mit einem feuchten Küchentuch bedecken und nochmals gehen lassen bis sich die Schnecken verdoppelt haben (das dauert ungefähr eine Stunde).
  15. Den Ofen auf 210 Grad Celsius vorheizen.
  16. Das restliche Ei mit einem Esslöffel Wasser mischen.
  17. Die gegangenen Schnecken damit einstreichen und mit ein wenig Hagelzucker bestreuen.
  18. Die Zimtschnecken für zirka 10 Minuten backen. Lauwarm servieren.

This is a  recipe for a classic Swedish pastry, with a hint of cardamom and lots of cinnamon but you could also leave out the cardamom in the yeast dough and replace it with pure vanilla sugar. Or you could replace the cinnamon sugar mixture in the filling with cardamom.

These buns are simply fabulous and are always a huge success with everyone. They are particularly delicious while still warm and even more delightful with a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate.

What a better way to participate in the Sustainability Action Week this week than to bake up some of these Swedish Cinnamon Buns using some ingredients from local sources. It is a good start to think and act with sustainability in mind!

For more information about the German Council on Sustainability and the Action Week, you can consult their website

Broicher mill in Wachtberg-Villip:

Dies ist ein Rezept für ein klassisches schwedisches Gebäck mit ein wenig Kardamom und viel Zimt. Aber das Rezept kann variiert werden, z. B. kann das Kardamom im Hefeteig durch Vanillezucker (am besten selbst gemacht) ersetzt oder der Zimtzucker in der Füllung wiederum durch etwas Kardamom ersetzt werden. Wie auch immer Sie diese Zimtschnecken an Ihren Geschmack anpassen, oder einfach da Rezept so backen wie es ist, sie kommen immer gut an und schmecken besonders gut mit einer Tasse Tee, Kaffee oder heißer Schokolade.

Warum also nicht mit regionalen Produkten backen oder kochen – das ist natürlich nur ein Weg sich an der Aktionswoche für Nachhaltigkeit zu beteiligen.

Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitsrats:

Broicher Mühle in Wachtberg-Villip:


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you - trust my family and friends, these taste delicious and they smell terrific while baking amd most importantly they are not as cloyingly sweet as most buns are.

  2. I loved hearing about this focus on sustainability. There are so many things that we can do...and they are often easy to incorporate into daily life. And of course I loved these cinnamon buns. How lovely would one be with a cup of tea? I may have to make these happen tomorrow morning. Thank you for sharing, sweet friend!

    1. Monet, thank you for that sweet comment - I would love to serve you one of these nice cinnamon buns straight from the oven, with a steaming cup of tea! Thinking of you and Lucy a lot these days and keeping my fingers crossed!

  3. Das sieht aber sehr lecker aus! Viellecht sind Sie interesiert, Ihren Blog in unserer Webseite hinzufügen, damit wir auf ihn verweisen können?:)

    Rezeptefinden ist eine Suchmaschine, die hunderte Blogs und Kochseiten aus Deutschland zusammenstellt, und die Blogger profitieren davon, dass Rezeptefinden ihre Seite weiter bekannt macht.

    Um sich auf Rezeptefinden registrieren, gehen Sie einfach aufügen

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

    1. Liebes Recipes online Team, gerne werde ich meinen Blog zu ihrer Website hinzufügen - vielen lieben Dank auch für den netten Kommentar!

  4. Andrea - sustainability is so very important these days and I am always so happy to hear that Germany is the leader in solar power usage and production. I love to shop locally and try to do as much as possible. I can't get fresh milk from the farmers market buy I do buy it from a local dairy that is committed to sustainability. Your Swedish cinnamon and cardamom buns are ganz schön! I love cardamom and now know how to say it auf Deutsch. Veilem Dank für noch ein schönes Rezept! ~ David

    1. David, thank you very much for your wonderful comment - shopping locally and regionally is not always possible but we all try and that is already an important step. I always miss a really well organized list of local producers and farmers, there are so many websites and lists that it is hard to find what you are really looking for - it took me forever to find this particular flour mill for example. And these Swedish Kanelbullar are absolutely delightful, I am making a cardamom version tomorrow.

  5. I love your Muppets Swedish cook plate! OMG!

    These rolls look irresistible, Andrea. Love them! xo

    1. Colette, glad that you like the Swedish cinnamon buns and that plate, well, I bought if for one of my children who is crazy about the "Swedish chef" - so, I could not resist and had to take a picture of the plate together with the Swedish pastries.

  6. I love cinnamon swirls. These look delicious Andrea!

    1. Laura, you would probably really enjoy these too - a lovely little afternoon treat best enjoyed with a cup of coffee or tea - thank you for your kind comment!

  7. My family will never say no to cinnamon buns! Yours look fantastic (as always!).

    1. Liz, very true, cinnamon buns are a huge hit with my family too!

  8. Yes, we would all be better off if we thought about sustainability of the planet when we choose our food. I do try to eat local, but I must say I am guilty, as most people, of buying products out of season or from other parts of the country. Your cinnamon buns look like a winner - and I love that plate too.

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment, Linda, and also for visiting my blog - I will hop on over to your blog now! That plat with the "Swedish chef" was just photographed on a whim and the kids loved it!

  9. The combination of cardamom and cinnamon sounds delicious!

    1. And indeed it is a delicious combination - to us cinnamon and cardamom are a match made in spice heaven.

  10. I love cardamom, and here in the U.S. we make very little use of it. I see it in traditinal Swedish recipes, and in things from India, but little else. I bet these buns are fabulous. If I had my way, Cinnamon Buns would be one of the five basic food groups.

    I love the idea of the sustainablity week. You are so right - if everyone did something, it would add up to a lot.

    1. Adri, grazie mille per i complementi! Scandinavians love to use cardamom in their baking, I have baked Finnish pullas with that wonderful spice and Danish pastries and Swedish buns - while these bake, there is a delightful smell that always wafts through the kitchen and the taste is amazing too! As far as sustainability is concerned, every little gesture helps and is important!

  11. Great post. I agree, it's wonderful to get local ingredients. I would love to even grow my own vegetables in the yard....someday. Wish I have more space. :) These Swedish Cinnamon Buns sound divine. What a great treat to satisfy the sweet tooth.

    1. Thank you very much, Amy, for your sweet comment - once in a while a sweet treat is in order but these buns certainly are not very sweet, do not need to be either, the spices provide the necessary punch!

  12. I first ate swedish cinnamon buns last year in Stockholm and I could them EVERY SINGLE day. They are sooo good!! I never thought about making them by myself but now with your wonderful recipe this will change!! They look awesome! Thank you Andrea :)
    xox Amy

    1. Amy, if you do get a chance to make them, let me know how they turned out for you - this is an easy recipe, all you need is a bit of patience for the dough to rise twice before these tasty little gems can be baked.

  13. Andrea, you're so right, there's nothing like raw ingredients obtained as close to the source as possible. Your rolls look fantastic. I'm imagining them warm from the oven and know they wouldn't last any time at my house!

    1. Chris, thanks so much for the kind words, I agree with you, cinnamon buns have a certain irrestible draw and never ever last for more than an hour ar our house.

  14. Your cinnamon buns look absolutely wonderful! And you've inspired me to look for a new local source of food this week.

    1. Thank you, Beth, glad that I could provide a bit of an inspiration in these inspiration laden days.

  15. What a thoughtful post. My hubby owns a small business in town so I always try and shop local if possible. Teaching our children to cook and bake has to qualify as a sustainable resource I think. Your buns look wonderful. There is a mill near my home--I love their fresh flour and grains.

    1. Cindy, how nice, I did not know that your husband owns a local business. And, yes, wherever we live, shopping locally is wonderful and very important! And, yes, teaching our children how to bake and cook counts as a sustainable resource in my book! And those local mills are just wonderful places - love their products.

  16. What a great idea to celebrate sustainability. I certainly think sustainable practices are important to the future of humans on this planet. I wish the US would take ideas like this more seriously. I've embraced local food and do what I can, especially in the summer/fall when plentiful fresh produce is available from nearby farms. And we get eggs from a neighbor when he has them. Your Swedish buns look like a great way to celebrate. I adore cardamom.

    1. Betsy, what a wonderful and kind comment - thank you very much! Sustainability is very dear to my heart and I wish we could all do a little bit more but each gesture helps and shopping regionally/locally is a wonderful way to make a contribution but I know that is not always possible for all of us - I am seriously jealous that you can get eggs from your neighbour!

  17. What a nice post Andrea. We all need to try to shop as locally as possible when we can. You are so lucky to have wonderful mill for your flours. I'm sure your kitchen must have smelled wonderful while your buns were baking.

    1. Karen, yes, the smell of cinnamon can be somewhat intoxicating - I for one am addicted to that spice and adore baking with it - no matter whether it is summertime or Christmas baking season.
