Impressum / DSGVO

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Swedish Apple Cake to celebrate the Royal Wedding in Sweden

Today marks the wedding of the Swedish  Princess Madeleine, the youngest of the three children of  King Carl Gustav and Queen Silvia, to American businessman Christopher O`Neill in the City of Stockholm, Sweden.

Today´s wedding is the second royal wedding for the Swedish nation in three years following Crown Princess Victoria´s wedding to Prince Daniel in June 2010. 
Heute heiratet in Stockholm, Schweden, die schwedische Prinzessin Madeleine den amerikanischen Geschäftsmann Christopher O`Neill. Prinzessin Madeleine ist das jüngste der drei Kinder von König Carl Gustaf und Königin Silvia.

Die heutige Hochzeit ist die zweite Hochzeit im schwedischen Königshaus in den letzten drei Jahren. 2010 heiratete Kronprinzessin Victoria Prinz Daniel.

What better way to celebrate this wonderful occasion by following the wedding on television and enjoying a steaming cup of coffee* and a slice of  this delicious and moist Swedish Apple Cake with sour cream, cinnamon and slivered almonds. And why not garnish the finished and cooled cake with tiny blue and yellow Swedish flags, take out that traditional blue and white chinaware and pick some fresh flowers from the garden. Or maybe read a book or two by world famous Swedish children´s author Astrid Lindgren with your kids!

*The Nordic countries in general put the rest of the world to shame when it comes to coffee consumption and obsession, the average person in chilly Northern Europe consumes 20 pounds of coffee each year, and the Finns up the ante even further with a per-person average of 28 pounds. Some of the world's best baristas and most innovative ideas come from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland and the Swedsh "fika" or "coffee break" is even protected by law. 
Während  man die Hochzeit im Fernsehen verfolgt, gibt es doch eigentlich nichts besseres, als dabei eine Tasse Kaffee* zu trinken und ein Stück schwedischen Apfelkuchen mit saurer Sahne, Zimt und Mandelblättern zu genießen. Und ein bisschen geschmückt, mit kleinen schwedischen Flaggen und bunten Blümchen frisch gepflückt aus dem eigenen Garten, darf der Kuchen ruhig sein. Dann darf natürlich auch nicht das blau weiße traditionelle Kaffeeservice auf der Tafel fehlen. Oder man liest einfach mit seinen Kindern ein Buch der weltbekannten Kinderbuchauthorin Astrid Lindgren!

* Die skandinavischen Länder sind absolute Welmeister im Kaffee trinken, der durchschnittliche  Skandinavier konsumiert zirka 20 Pfund Kaffee im Jahr und die Finnen sogar 28 Pfund. Einige der weltbesten Baristas und innovativsten Ideen kommen aus Norwegen, Dänemark, Finnland und Schweden und die schwedische "fika" oder Kaffeepause is sogar gesetzlich geschützt!

Congratulations to the very happy couple!

Grattis till bröllopet!
Wir gratulieren dem glücklichen Paar ganz herzlich!

 Grattis till bröllopet!


  1. Absolutely lovely! Such a delicious looking cake…I love anything with apples.

    1. Kathy, the Swedes love simple and easy cakes and pastries and this cake cake tops the list of favorites.

  2. And to think I have never tasted coffee! Pippi Longstockings was my favorite fictional heroine in grade school. I always thought it would be fun to have a pet monkey.
    Beautiful cake, fun post.

    1. Cindy, I know from your posts that you do not drink coffee but the Scandinavians do quite a bit and so I thought it would be just fitting to serve coffee alongside this very Swedish cake.

  3. What a great Apple Cake to celebrate the occasion. Now, I want a big slice of this beautiful cake. :) So lovely.

    1. Amy, thank you very much, this is a so-called traditional "quark" dough, meaning that it tastes similar to yeast dough but is much easier to work with. And the topping consists of sour cream and cinnamon sugar plus the apples, of course - that it - a simple Swedish cake with delicious results.

  4. LOVE the idea of a protected coffee break!

  5. What a delicious looking cake Andrea!

    1. Thank you Laura, just a little cake to celebrate the Swedish wedding!

  6. I love all this "royal" stuff, so different than everyday life here. Your cake looks just amazing Andrea, surely fitting for a royal lioness :)

    1. Chris, such a nice comment - thank you very much. Well, we watch a royal wedding once in a while on T.V. and it is a lot of fun looking at the whole "show" and it is part of history, in a fun sort of way, so I thought why not join in the party and "celebrate" with the royals from afar - besides any excuse for baking a Swedish Apple Cake is good!

  7. Mrs. P is obsessed with the royals!! They are just so intriguing.. Mr. P wouldnt mind that cake .. lol =)

    1. Thank you, then I am sure he would nor mind eating a slice or two of the Swedish Apple Cake while celebrating a bit!

  8. I love, love apple desserts...and your cake is stunning! I hope you saved me a slice ;)

    1. Liz, certainly thought about you and saved you a slice of this easy yet delicious apple cake with lots of cinnamon and almonds. Thanks for the lovely comment!

  9. How cool you wrote English and Swedish side by side! This apple cake looks beautiful and delicious. Your tea time always look like one from novels (at least in my imagination). Outdoor, at the garden...tea sets... all very dreamy!

    1. Nami, unfortunately my Swedish is rather limited...and the text on the right happens to be my mother tongue but nice of you to notice that I have started to write some bi-lingual posts. Tea time is often my favorite time of the day, a bit of quiet time after all the homework and the rest of the chores, so I try to set the table as nicely as possible.

  10. What a beautiful cake, Andrea! One of my favorite books as a child was Pippi Longstocking.

    1. Betsy, thank you very much - Pippi Longstocking or Pippi Langstrumpf as we call her around here is a rather much loved book at our house as well - it is fun to read it to/with the kids!

  11. Herzliche Grußen, Andrea! I am so glad to have "met" you and so glad to see your posts both in English «und auf Deutsch!» It has been many years since I have spoken German but I look forward to brushing up - especially on my culinary vocabulary - by reading both sides of your posts. This cake for the Swedish wedding is so beautiful in its simplicity - and, like Cindy, I have never had coffee... but this would be great with cocoa, too! I love Astrid's children's books, but also those of Carl Larsen... I can see this cake on one of his illustrated tables. ~ David

    1. David, vielen lieben Dank für deinen wunderbaren Kommentar! I shall strive to post as many bi-lingual posts as I possibly can - it is a tad time consuming and that´s why I decided to write bi-lingual "personal" posts and the "group" posts will be in English only - at least that is the plan. You might pick up a few new words in German, I consider that to be a nice "side effect" - how wonderful that you took the time to stop by, I am looking forward to your up-coming posts on your lovely blog! "See" you soon!
