Impressum / DSGVO

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Summer Pretzel with Cinnamon & Vanilla - Sommerbrezel mit Zimt & Vanille

Cinnamon is a wonderful spice for every season and that is why I am posting a recipe for Summer Pretzel with Cinnamon and Vanilla today. Wonderful small cinnamon pretzel, which you can serve alone and with fresh summer berries or fruit or even ice cream.
Zimt ist ein wunderbares Gewürz, zu jeder Jahreszeit und darum gibt es jetzt auch ein Rezept für Sommerbrezel mit Zimt und Vanille Wunderbare kleine, zimtige Brezel, die man alleine oder mit frischen Sommer Beeren, Früchten oder Eis servieren kann.

Ceylon cinnamon (which is what I used in this recipe) is a warm, sweet spice that comes from the bark of a tree native to Sri Lanka. The bark is removed, dried and rolled up to make a tube. Cinnamon is sold dry as sticks and ground as a powder. It is best to buy ground cinnamon in small quantities because the freshness and taste disappear quickly. You can try to grind your own cinnamon from the bark, but it is difficult to grind it finely enough.
Ceylon Zimt (den ich hier verwende) hat eine warme, süße Würze und stammt von der getrockneten Rinde des Zimtbaums aus Sri Lanka. Die Rinde wird entfernt, getrocknet und aufgerollt, so hat man dann Zimtstangen. Zimt kommt gemahlen oder ganz als Zimtstange in den Handel. Es ist am besten, gemahlenen Zimt in kleinen Mengen zu kaufen, weil die Frische und der Geschmack schnell verschwinden. Man kann versuchen, eigenen Zimt aus der Rinde zu mahlen, aber es ist schwierig, ihn fein genug zu mahlen.

Ground cinnamon is delicious when cooked with apples, peaches, cherries or pears or in baked goods such as buns, cakes, sweet pastries and puddings such as rice puddings. It is also used ito flavor chocolate and drinks such as mulled wine or punch. Cinnamon bark can also be added to poaching syrup for fruits. Cinnamon bark is also used to flavor meat, poultry and vegetable stews and can be added to spicy marinades.
Zimt schmeckt wunderbar mit Äpfeln, Pfirsichen, Kirschen oder Birnen, aber auch in Backwaren, wie Brötchen, Kuchen, Gebäck und allerlei Desserts, z. B. Milchreis. Man verwendet ihn auch, um den Geschmack von Schokolade oder Getränken wie Glühwein oder Punsch zu verfeinern. Zimt wird auch zum Würzen von Fleisch, Geflügel und Eintöpfen verwendet, zudem kann er auch würzigen Marinaden hinzugefügt werden. 

But today, I am posting a cookie recipe for wonderfully easy Summer Pretzel, which are very quickly made. All that has to be done is to make a nice smooth dough, fill that it in a pastry bag with a round nozzle and fashion the sweet pretzels onto two baking sheets, sprinkle the unbaked cookies with some cinnamon sugar  and bake them for about 12 to 15 minutes. Could not be easier or more delicious.
Aber heute gibt es ein paar wunderbar einfache Kekse, nämlich Sommerbrezel, die schnell gemacht sind. Man rührt einen schönen glatten Teig, füllt ihn in einen Spritzbeutel mit runder Düse und spritzt die Brezel auf zwei Backbleche. Anschließend bestreut man die ungebackenen Brezel mit Zimtzucker und backt das Gebäck für zirka 12 bis 15 Minuten. Könnte nicht einfacher oder leckerer sein.

Summer Pretzel with Cinnamon & Vanilla 

Ingredients for the Pretzel
(yields approximately 24 - depending on how big you make the cookies) 
  • 150 grams unsalted butter (room temperature)
  • 20 grams of powdered sugar (sifted) 
  • a small pinch of sea salt 
  • ½ tsp ground cinnamon (Type “Ceylon”)
  • 1 ½ half tsp pure Vanilla sugar 
  • 60 grams whole milk (room temperature)
  • 70 grams superfine sugar 
  • 200 grams white spelt flour (type 630) 

Ingredients for the Cinnamon Sugar 
  • 2 tbsp coarse white sugar 
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon (Type “Ceylon”)

Equipment needed
  • two baking sheets
  • baking paper (unbleached if possible)
  • piping bag 
  • medium smooth nozzle 

Preparation of the Pretzel 
  1. Pre-heat the oven to 160 ° degrees Celsius.
  2. Place the parchment paper on the two baking sheets. 
  3. In the bowl of your mixer, cream together the butter, powdered sugar, salt, cinnamon, vanilla, milk and sugar.  
  4. Add the white spelt flour to the butter mixture. Mix only until you have a smooth dough.
  5. Fill the batter into a pastry bag with a smooth nozzle.  
  6. Fashion pretzel onto the parchment paper - if the parchment paper refuses to stay in place while you do this, dab a small amount of dough into each corner of the baking sheet and place the parchment paper on top – the dabs of dough will act as “temporary glue”.
  7. For the cinnamon sugar mix together the cinnamon with the sugar and sprinkle it evenly onto the unbaked pretzel. 
  8. Bake the cookies for about 12 to 15 minutes until golden. 
  9. Let cool on racks and then enjoy - you can also eat these lovely cookies while they are still a bit warm.

Sommerbrezel mit Zimt & Vanille

Zutaten für die Brezel
(ergibt zirka 24 Stücke – abhängig davon, wie groß die Brezel werden sollen)
  • 150 Gramm ungesalzene Butter (Zimmertemperatur)
  • 20 Gramm Puderzucker (gesiebt)
  • eine kleine Prise Meersalz
  • ½ TL gemahlener Ceylon-Zimt 
  • 1 ½ TL Bourbon Vanille Zucker
  • 60 Gramm Vollmilch (Zimmertemperatur)
  • 70 Gramm feinster weißer Zucker
  • 200 Gramm Dinkelmehl (Typ 630)

Zutaten für den Zimtzucker
  • 2 EL grober weißer Zucker
  • 1 TL gemahlener Ceylon-Zimt 

Zusätzlich erforderlich
  • Zwei Backbleche
  • Backpapier (ungebleicht wenn möglich)
  • Spritzbeutel
  • mittelgroße glatte Düse

Zubereitung der Brezel
  1. Backofen auf 160 º Celsius vorheizen.
  2. Backpapier auf die beiden Backbleche legen.
  3. Butter, Puderzucker, Salz, Zimt, Vanillezucker, Milch und Zucker im Mixer cremig rühren. 
  4. Das Dinkelmehl zu der Buttermischung geben und nur kurz unterrühren.
  5. Den Teig in einen Spritzbeutel mit glatter Düse füllen. 
  6. Die Brezeln auf das Backpapier spritzen – falls dabei das Backpapier verrutscht, kann man die Bögen mit einem kleinen Teigklecks in jeder Ecke der Backbleche fixieren. Die Teigkleckse dienen so als „temporärer Kleber“ für das Backpapier.
  7. Für den Zimtzucker, den Zucker mit Zimt mischen und damit die ungebackenen Brezeln gleichmäßig bestreuen.
  8. Die Kekse im Ofen etwa 12 bis 15 Minuten goldbraun backen.
  9. Auf Kuchenrosten auskühlen lassen dann genießen - diese leckeren Kekse können durchaus auch lauwarm gegessen werden.

These delightful Summer Pretzel with Cinnamon and Vanilla can be kept for up to two or three days in a cookie tin with a well-fitting lid but we really do think that they taste their very best on the same day that they are made. They are cumbly, not coyingly sweet with a certain nuttiness (from the spelt flour) and a distinct taste of cinnmon and vanilla.

Enjoy some easy-peasy and delicious summer baking and try this recipe. These cookies are fun to make and look pretty when served on their own or alongside some seasonal fruits or berries, custard or ice cream!

Real treats!

Diese wunderbaren Sommerbrezel mit Zimt und Vanille können zwei bis drei Tage in einer gut schließenden Dose aufbewahrt werden, aber wir finden, dass die Kekse am besten am selben Tag. Sie sind ganz wunderbar mürbe, nicht zu süß und sie schmecken nicht nur ein wenig nussig (wegen des Dinkelmehls) sondern auch definitiv nach Zimt und Vanille.

Es macht Spaß, unkomplizierte und leckere Dinge wie diese Kekse im Sommer zu backen, sie sehen immer hübsch aus, ob sie nun einfach so oder man sie zusammen mit einigen saisonalen Früchten oder Beeren, Pudding oder Eis serviert!

Echte Leckerbissen!


  1. These look so yummy. And they look easy enough that I just might attempt them! I even have spelt flour--I'm in luck. Thanks for another great recipe. And beautiful photos too.

    1. Cindy, these buttery and cinnamony fun cookies were so well received that they did not last very long and it is recipe that will be quite favorably received at your house too, I am certain of it - if you get a chance to bake them, let me know, send me a picture please because I would love to post it on my FB page.

  2. Andrea, These cookies look so lovely! Butter and cinnamon so like the perfect cookie to enjoy with my tea. A must try! They would be a great baking project with my granddaughter. She is visiting with me for the week. We love to bake together. Great photos and presentation!

    1. Kathy, thanks so very much - I am certain that your lovely granddaughter would have a great time piping those cookies onto the baking sheet and then taste them soon after baking. They really take no time at all.

  3. These pretzels are so pretty! And I covet your gorgeous leckerbissen bowl - it's lovely.

    1. I would lend that lovely bowl to you if I could - it is from a wonderful German company with literally tons of fun products.

  4. Diese Sommerbrezeln sind ganz toll! You make them look so easy - and I must try them soon. I don't have any Ceylon cinnamon now, and this gives me the perfect excuse to go to the spice store and get some. Maybe I will make a batch with Ceylon cinnamon and another with Vietnamese cinnamon - a favorite of mine. The other thing I need and have been putting off is getting a good pastry back with multiple tips. Another "shopportunity!" Vielen Dank, and herzliche Grußen aus Tucson! ~ David

    1. David, you are such a kind person and I love all your comments and appreciate the tome you take with each and every one of them! Ceylon cinnamon has the reputation around here of being the "safe, healthy and delicious" of the different cinnamons. So no Cassia cinnamon for me. But I am curious as to how the cinnamon from Vietnam tastes like, I read a lot about it but cannot find it in my spice store or at my favorite spice merchant either.

  5. Yummmm. Beautiful.
    your presentations are ART> xx

  6. Yum! I love that they're cookies that look like pretzels! Like those butter cookies that come in a tin at Christmas.

    1. Ashley, you are so very kind - I called them "summer pretzel" so that people would enjoy baking these cookies even in summer time but I certainly see them also as part of my Christmas baking. Cinnamon is delicious any time of the year it seems!

  7. I love cinnamon, these look delicious Andrea. I've have a hard time staying away from them.

    1. Laura, these are the perfect snack cookies - my kids snacked on them and snacked some more and then they were gone.

  8. How lovely! Ryan and I enjoy making soft pretzels, but now I want to make these sweet cinnamon treats! Isn't cinnamon the best? I love it! Thank you for all your sweet comments on my blog over the last few weeks. Your words mean so much to me! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to reading yours. You know how it is with a baby though! Hugs and love to you and your sweet family.

    1. Monet, do not worry about commenting - I followed your and Lucy´s every step so far and I had (and still) have a wonderful time following all your adventures. New babies are quite time consuming, I know that for sure!

  9. I love Cinnamon! They are so good in many desserts. Your pretzels are adorable. Lovely creation.

  10. Cinnamon, one of my favorite spices ever! Especially when it´s of very good quality. Lovely pretzels Andrea!

    1. Paula, cinnamon is the best spice ever, no matter whether it is winter or summer - I could not agree with you more! Thanks for the comments!

  11. You had us at vanilla and cinnamon!! YUM!

    1. Yummy little summer cookes, that´s for sure! Cinnamon and vanilla are always fantastic together, no matter what the temperatures are like.

  12. Two of my favourite flavour combinations vanilla and cinnamon. These look amazing and I am sure I wouldn't be able to stop at just eating one!

    1. Karen, true, I must admit that these little cookies are rather addictive and when using the white spelt flour, gives them an even crumblier texture and a bit of a nutty taste!

  13. Replies
    1. Colette, my dear, cinnamon and sugar you shall have - these cookies would be the perfect little cookies for you then!

  14. This is so pretty and perfect for summer!
