Impressum / DSGVO

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Nigel Slater´s September Cakes - A whimsical look at Nigel Slater´s Carrot Cake - Nigel Slaters Möhren-Kuchen

Last September, I did a series on a few of my favorite cakes from Nigel Slater. First up was his delightful Black Banana Cake. That recipe made me forget all about my previous recipes for Banana Cake. Then we indulged in his Cinnamon Pear Cake with Vanilla Fudge Sauce. What a treat. And the third cake of the series was the Plum Pudding Cake that I baked with Reine Claude plums. Delightful.
Im September letzten Jahres habe ich eine Reihe meiner Lieblingskuchen von Nigel Slater gepostet. Als erstes war sein wunderbarer Bananen-Kuchen dran. Slaters Rezept hat mich meine bisherigen Rezepte für Bananen-Kuchen vergessen lassen. Dann verwöhnten wir uns mit seinem Zimt-Birne-Kuchen mit Vanille-Karamell-Sauce. Was für ein Genuss! Der dritte Kuchen der Reihe war der Pflaumen-Pudding-Kuchen, den ich mit Reine-Claude-Pflaumen gebacken habe. Wunderbar.

In October, I moved on to his unbelievably delicious Chocolate Beetroot Cake and in November it was the Beetroot Seed Cake. Who would have thought that baking with beets could be this amazing. Oh, yes, let´s not forget about the Rhubarb Cinnamon Polenta Cake that I blogged about in July - that cake convinced me to start a Nigel Slater cake series in the first place. But now let us move on to this lovely, indulgent, delicious Carrot Cake with Mascarpone and Orange Frosting.
Im Oktober gab´s dann den unglaublich leckeren rote Beete-Schokoladen-Kuchen und im November war es der rote Beete-Körner-Kuchen. Wer hätte gedacht, dass Backen mit roten Beeten so erstaunlich lecker sein kann. Oh ja, nicht zu vergessen war aber auch der früh-sommerliche Rhabarber-Zimt-Polenta-Kuchen, der eigentlich die ganze Nigel-Slater-Kuchen-Reihe ins Rollen gebracht hat. Aber heute geht es ja um den Möhren-Kuchen mit Mascarpone und Orangen Frosting.

There are so many recipes for Carrot Cake out there and I have baked quite a few over the years. I like to bake my traditional European-style Carrot Cake that contains no flour but lots of ground nuts and warm spices. But then we also really enjoy these double-layered Carrot Cakes like this recipe from Nigel Slater with a creamy frosting.
Es gibt so viele Rezepte für Möhren-Kuchen und ich habe schon viele verschiedene Rezepte ausprobiert. Meistens backe ich meinen eher traditionellen europäischen Möhren-Kuchen, ohne Mehl, aber mit viel gemahlenen Nüssen und warmen Gewürzen. Aber wir lieben auch solche etwas gehaltvolleren Möhren-Kuchen, wie diesen hier nach einem Rezept von Nigel Slater, mit einer unwiderstehlichen Creme aus Mascarpone, Philadelphia und Orangenzesten.

Since I am a bit in a veggie mode or rather frenzy these days, I bought way too many fresh carrots, again, and decided to incorporate the “raw” carrots into my pictures, for a somewhat whimsical look at Nigel Slater´s delightfully moist, not too sweet carrot cake.
Da ich zur Zeit ein bisschen in einem Veggie-Modus oder vielmehr Rausch bin, habe ich viel zu viele frische Möhren mit nach Hause gebracht und beschlossen, die rohen Möhren in meine Bilder mit einzubeziehen – für einen etwas schrägen Blick auf Nigel Slater´s wunderbar saftigen und herrlich leckeren Möhren-Kuchen.

Recipe for the Carrot Cake with Mascarpone and Orange Frosting
(as adapted ever so slightly from Nigel Slater)

Ingredients for the Cake
  • 250 grams self-raising flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon (I always use “Ceylon” cinnamon)
  • a pinch of fine sea salt
  • 200 ml sunflower oil
  • 250 grams light muscovado sugar
  • 3 eggs (L), organic or free range
  • 150 grams carrots, organic (please keep the tops for decorating the cake later – optional, of course)
  • juice of half a lemon, organic
  • 150 grams walnuts
Rezept für den Möhren-Kuchen mit Mascarpone und Orangen Frosting
(wie immer so leicht von Nigel Slater angepasst)

Zutaten für den Kuchen
  • 250 Gramm Mehl (mit Backpulver Zusatz)
  • 1/2 TL Natron
  • 1 TL Backpulver
  • 1 TL gemahlener Zimt (ich immer benutze "Ceylon" Zimt)
  • eine Prise Meer Salz
  • 200 ml Sonnenblumen Öl
  • 250 Gramm heller Muscovado Zucker
  • 3 Eier (L), Bio oder Freiland
  • 150 Gramm Möhren, Bio (Bitte den oberen Teil für die Deko der Torte behalten)
  • Saft einer halben eine Zitrone, Bio
  • 150 Gramm Walnüsse (gewogen ohne Schale)

Ingredients for the Frosting
  • 250 grams Italian mascarpone cheese
  • 200 grams Philadelphia cream cheese
  • 150 grams icing sugar
  • zest of a medium orange, organic
  • carrots tops for decorating (those that you kept from before – and then some) - Nigel Slater decorates his version with walnut halves
Zutaten für das Frosting
  • 250 g Mascarpone
  • 200 g Philadelphia Frischkäse
  • 150 Gramm Puderzucker Zucker
  • abgeriebene Schale von einer mittlere Orange (Bio)
  • Möhrenteile für die Dekoration (die man für die Deko behalten hat und dann noch ein paar dazu) - Nigel Slater dekoriert seinen Möhren-Kuchen mit Walnusshälften

Preparation of the Cake
  1. Pre-heat the oven at 180 degrees Celsius.
  2. Butter two 22 cm cake pans and line each with a disc of baking parchment.
  3. Sift together the flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and salt.
  4. Beat the oil and sugar in a mixer until well creamed, then introduce the beaten egg yolks one by one, reserving the whites for later.
  5. Grate the carrots into the mixture, then add the lemon juice.
  6. Roughly chop the walnuts and add them.
  7. Fold the flour and spices into the mixture with the machine on slow.
  8. Beat the egg whites till light and stiff, then fold tenderly into the mixture with a large metal spoon (a wooden one will knock the air out).
  9. Divide the mixture between the cake pans, smooth and bake for 40-45 minutes.
  10. Test with a skewer. The cake should be moist, but not sticky. Leave to settle for 10 minutes, then turn on to a wire cooling rack.

Preparation of the Frosting
  1. Put the icing sugar, mascarpone and Philadelphia into the bowl of an electric mixer.
  2. Beat till smooth and creamy.
  3. Mix in the orange zest.

Assembly of the Cake
  1. When the cake has completely cooled, sandwich the two cake halves together with about a third of the frosting.
  2. Use the rest to cover the top and sides. A rough finish will look appropriate.
  3. Decorate with carrot tops (optional).
  4. Place in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Storage of the Cake
The cake will keep for several days in the fridge, wrapped tightly in saran wrap but bring it to room temperature before serving.
Zubereitung des Kuchens
  1. Den Ofen auf 180 Grad Celsius vorheizen.
  2. Zwei Backformen (22 cm) fetten und mit Pergamentpapier auslegen.
  3. Das Mehl, Natron, Backpulver, Zimt und Salz mischen.
  4. Das Öl und Zucker mit dem Schneebesen des Rührgeräts cremig rühren. Dann geschlagene Eigelb eins nach dem anderen hinzugeben, die Eiweißen beiseite stellen.
  5. Fein geraspelte Möhren unter die Eigelbmasse heben, dann den Zitronensaft zugeben.
  6. Die Walnüsse hacken und ebenfalls unterheben.
  7. Das Mehl und die Gewürze in die Mischung geben.
  8. Das Eiweiß steif schlagen, dann vorsichtig unterheben (am besten mit einem großen Metall-Löffel, da man mit einem Holzlöffel vorsichtiger arbeiten kann und der Teig dann weniger Volumen verliert).
  9. Den Teig auf die beiden vorbereiteten Backformen gleichmäßig verteilen und vorsichtig glattstreichen (am besten mit einer kleinen Palette) und dann 40 bis 45 Minuten backen.
  10. Mit einem Spieß testen. Der Kuchen sollte feucht, aber nicht klebrig sein.10 Minuten auskühlen lassen dann auf einem Kuchenrost vollständig erkalten lassen.

Zubereitung der Frosting
  1. Den Puderzucker, Mascarpone und Philadelphia in einer Schüssel geben.
  2. Mit einem elektrischen Mixer glatt und cremig rühren
  3. Die Orangenschale untermischen.

Fertigstellung des Kuchens
  1. Wenn die Kuchenschichten vollständig erkaltet sind, den unteren Boden auf eine Tortenplatte setzen. Mit ca. 1/3 Frosting bestreichen. Oberen Boden daraufsetzen.und wellenartig mit dem restlichen Frosting einstreichen.
  2. Wahlweise mit Möhrentops verzieren.
  3. Für eine gute Stunde in den Kühlschrank stellen.

Lagerung des Kuchens
Der Kuchen hält sich für mehrere Tage im Kühlschrank. Dafür gut in Frischhaltefolie einwickeln und vor dem Servieren auf Zimmertemperatur bringen.

Enjoy baking some wonderful cakes with those delightful veggies. If you do happen to need more inspiration, you could always look at my Cakes & Vegetables series that I did last year – it features not only the recipe for above-mentioned Carrot Cake and the Chocolate Beetroot Cake but also recipes for a Sweet Potato Bundt Cake, Mini Pumpkin Muffins, an Old-fashioned Potato-Raisin  Gugelhupf and a Parsnip Spice Cake! So,bake some lovely cakes this fall with all those veggies that are still abundantly available!
Man sollte es in vollen Zügen genießen, mit Gemüse süße Kuchen zu backen. Falls jemand noch ein wenig Inspiration braucht, wäre da noch meine Reihe über „Cakes & Vegatables“, die ich letztes Jahr zusammen gestellt habe. Man kann dort nicht nur oben genannte Rezepte für Möhren-Kuchen und Rote Beete-Schokoladen-Kuchen finden, sondern auch für einen Süßkartoffel-Gugelhupf, Kürbis-Gebäck, Kartoffel-Rosinen-Gugelhupf und Pastinaken-Gewürz-Schnitten! Also dann, frohes Backen mit Gemüse!


  1. What an amazing cake! It looks so beautiful with the raw carrots. And I'm really tempted by that pear cake, too!

    1. Beth, how nice that you like this somewhat whimsical interpretation of or look at Nigel Slater´s Carrot Cake! It is moist, not too sweet and the frosting is a nice indulgent touch. Those carrot tops were a big hit with the kids too! Thank you for the nice comment!

  2. Hi Andrea! What a beautiful cake! I love the raw carrots here. It sounds like you had some delicious cakes over the course of this season...but this might be my favorite. We had carrot cake at our wedding. Thank you for sharing Andrea!

    1. Monet, thanks for the compliment - the kids loved this cake, taste, look and all and the rest of my beloved taste testers thought that it was moist and delicious and not too sweet and also pretty to look at - what more could one want from a Carrot Cake?!

  3. This is simply gorgeous - we ADORE carrot cake here and I ADORE Nigel Slater so that's a win/win!! can't wait to give this a try!!

    1. Mary, I know you really adore Nigel Slater and his savory as well as sweet recipes - so it is a real pleasure to read that you enjoy my somewhat "liberal interpretation" of this rather traditional Carrot Cake!

  4. When I got the email for this post, it immediately made me smile. You are just so clever...I'm sure your daughters loved it.

    1. Karen, now you are making me smile - thanks for the wonderful comment. I was not quite sure whether people would like this version of the cake but my kids were absolutely crazy about this cake - and, of course, the carrots are organic and well scrubbed and naturally sweet and all.

  5. Andrea, I LOVE the way you took something that would normally go into the bin
    and used it to decorate your cake.
    Just too cute and so creative!

    1. Colette, well, if you must know, the carrot tops usually find their way to the rabbits that the girls have - all eleven of them! But this time, they got a "second life" as decorations and graced our delicious carrot cake! Everybody needs a little fun in their lives!
      Thanks for the lovely comment, dear friend!

    2. 11 bunnies! Wow. You are one busy Mom! Have a great w/end, dear. xo

  6. loved all those cute carroty food clicks...we just love carrot cakes....the orange and mascarpone frosting is a genius idea,will go so well with the cake,you are brilliant at baking....we feel pleasure learning from your recipes,thanks for the inspiration...HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!! :-)

    1. Kumar, carrot cake is hard to beat isn´t it?! Thanks for the lovely comment with respect to Nigel Slaters version with the mascarpone and orange frosting - it is nice to bake cakes to please the palate as well as sooth the soul!

  7. so I know we’ll be making these beauties very soon!!! i love carrot cake with lots of raisins.

    1. Glad you like carrot cake - this one has no raisins but I guess you could add them to the recipe if you wanted. Thanks for the comment!

  8. I recently baked a Nigel Slater cake and it was delicious, just like your Andrea. Love the little carrot tops, very cute.

    1. Laura, I know that you have been busy baking all those lovely cakes - I shall take the time today and take a lokk at them all! I agree, Nigel Slater cakes are quite special.

  9. I have never tried any of Nigel Slaters recipes and I can tell I have been missing out, this carrot cake looks lovely and moist and I know I will love that frosting! Thanks for listing all the cakes you have already made I am going to have a look now - they all sound so delicious! Love the whimsical carrots on top - very cute :)

    1. Karen, you should give these Nigel Slater cake recipes a try, at least once - his cakes are moist and not overly sweet and always, always different with intriguing flavors - my personal favorite, apart from this Carrot Cake, is the Beetroot Seed Cake!

  10. I love your carot cake. It looks wonderful - the use of raw carrots was very nice. This recipe sounds delicious - I will be making this cake over the weekend.

    1. Geraldine, I know that you would enjoy this cake - I just made another one for guests yesterday, they loved it! Give this recipe a try and if you get a chance to make me it, do let me know how it turned out!

  11. Your Carrot Cake is beautiful. I love how you decorate the top of the cake too. :) Love the orange zest in the frosting!

    1. Amy, thanks so much - the decoration was fun, the cake was moist and delicious - what more could you want from a cake?!

  12. I'm not usually a fan of carrot cake but that looks really good! And pretty.

    1. Trishie, so nice to hear from you - glad all is well with the baby - you might like this Carrot Cake, not too sweet, just right and the guests that I served this to yesterday, really enjoyed it as well.

  13. It is so cute how you topped the cake! This recipe looks wonderful but so do all the others you mentioned. I can't wait for rhubarb season to return so I can make the rhubarb and polenta cake! ~ David

    1. David, the lovely Rhubarb and Polenta Cake is terrific - but you should (if I may say so) give one of the beetroot cakes a try - they are unbelievably delicious and our twelve-year old daughter has declared the Chocolate Beetroot Cake to be her favorite cake of all times!

  14. Your carrot cake looks devine! I am a huge fan of Nigel Slater and his writing.

    1. Thanks so much - Nigel Slater is amazing, isn´t he?! Love his books and cookbooks!

  15. Your cakes always look delicious! I remember last year I made your fig and walnut cake. It was so very good. When I'm in Memphis next week I hope my sister in law will still have figs so I can make it again! I love Nigel Slater.

    1. Guyla, I certainly remember that Fig and Walnut Cake and I remember that you liked it so much - I will be making it on the weekend - I was waiting for the new harvest walnuts to be available - now they are, so it it time to make that wonderful cake once again.

  16. What a fun cake! I'm not a sweet eater, but carrot cake gets me every time! There's something about the cake combined with frosting that is so incredibly delicious!

    1. Kristin, this cake would meet with your approval - I know you do not like to eat sweet things all that much - this cake is definitely not sweet and the sweetness of the frosting is "adjustable" - if you like it a bit sweeter, just add a bit more powdered sugar or less, if you are looking for a less sweet cake! Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Ich bin sprachlos! Diese echten Moehrenenden sind einfach der Hit auf diesem sicherlich absolut koestlichen Kuchen. Und Mascapone an Stelle von Butter fuer das Frosting ist eine ganz tolle Idee. Ich nehme gerne den Neuchâtel Cream Cheese, dann schmeckt es auch schoen frisch.

    1. Wally, das freut mich aber sehr, dass der Kuchen so gut ankommt - habe auch schon viel Gutes über den Neuchâtel Cream Cheese gehört, den es la in den Staaten gibt. Danke für den lieben Kommentar!

  18. I love carrot cake! Maybe I'll make some this weekend, it's a lovely treat :) And the carrot toppers are too cute!

    1. Ashley, thank you very much for the nice comment - if you get a chance to make this recipe, you will find it rather easy and straightforward - just made it again a few days ago - it was even better the next day.

  19. OMMMY,
    superbly gorgeous.
    I LOooove the carrots upon this creation. Xxx

    1. Kim, thanks my dear for the fabulous comment - always enjoy it when you stop by, my dear!

  20. oohhh...I love baking with vegetables! Your carrot cake looks picture perfect dear! I checked out your Nigel Slater-creations in the past, they all look stunning and oh so delicious!! I will definitely try one of them :) (probably at first the banana cake, I can't resist a good banana cake!!)
    Have a wonderful friday sweetie!
    xox Amy

    1. Amy, you will be a fan too if you start making these veggies cakes - no doubt. I must say that the Chocolate Beetroot Cake is one of our favorites Thanks so much for dropping by, my dear friend - if you get a chance to bake one of these treats, do let me know how you liked it.

  21. I LOOOOVE your bold way to decorate carrot cake! Definitely got my attention with the carrots coming out from the cake. ;) You take such beautiful shots too! It's one of my favorite cake, but I don't have a chance to eat often. So pretty!

    1. Nami, you are such a kind person - I must admit I was not too sure about decorating the carrot cake this way but, in the end, I just loved the way the cake looked liked with those carrot tops sticking out!
