Impressum / DSGVO

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Filo Tart with fresh Figs & Prosciutto l Filotarte mit frischen Feigen & Prosciutto

This Tart with fresh Figs and Prosciutto is easy to make, using ready-made delicate filo pastry. It looks gorgeous and tastes wonderful as the figs bake in a lovely custard of mascarpone and sour cream, together with honey that is laced with orange zest. The delicious Italian prosciutto is only added after the tart has baked and adds another layer of flavor.
Diese Schinken-Feigen-Tart ist einfach zu machen, da sie mit fertigem Filo- oder Yufka-Teig gebacken wird. Sie sieht einfach toll aus und schmeckt wunderbar. Die frischen Feigen backen in einer cremigen Mascarpone-Sauerrahm-Mischung mit Honig, der mit Orangenschale verfeinert wird. Der köstliche Schinken wird erst hinzugefügt, nachdem die Tarte gebacken ist und verleiht dem Ganzen eine wunderbare leicht salzige Note.

This lovely autumnal tart takes only about 20 minutes to put together, plus 20 to 25 minutes for baking. It is so simple to make that it does not even need blind baking and is perfect served with just a crunchy salad. For a vegetarian version, you could just omit the prosciutto. Whether you chose to serve this  with or without the prosciutto, no one will be able to resist this flavor-packed tart with its crispy golden filo pastry served on its own or with a delicious side salad.
Es dauert gerade mal 20 Minuten, diese schöne Tarte vorzubereiten und weitere 20 bis 25 Minuten, die Tarte zu backen. Das Rezept ist einfach und man braucht den Teig noch nicht einmal blind zu backen. Und ganz besonders lecker ist die Tarte, wenn man sie mit einem knackigen Salat serviert. Man kann auch einfach den Schinken weglassen und somit ein Veggie freundliches Gericht servieren. Niemand wird dieser Tarte mit dem knusprigem, goldenen Teigboden widerstehen können, ob sie mit oder ohne leckere Salatbeilage serviert wird.

Filo Tart with Figs and Prosciutto

Ingredients for the Tart
  • 5-6 fresh figs
  • 1/2 bunch of thyme
  • 100 grams mascarpone cheese
  • 2 egg yolks (M), free range or organic, if possible
  • 100 grams sour cream
  • fine sea salt
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 2-3 tsps liquid honey (local if possible)
  • 1 tsp grated orange zest (organic)
  • 1 pinch of allspice (to taste)
  • 3-4 large, thinly sliced slices of air-dried ham such as Prosciutto
  • 300 grams Filo- or Yufka dough sheets (I used ten sheets)
  • 4-5 tbsps. unsalted butter
  • 4 tbsps. pine nuts

Zutaten für die Tarte
  • 5-6 frische Feigen
  • 1/2 Bund Thymian
  • 100 Gramm Mascarpone
  • 2 Eigelb (M), möglichst Bio oder Freilandhaltung
  • 100 Gramm saure Sahne
  • etwas feines Meersalz
  • frisch gemahlener schwarzer Pfeffer
  • 2-3 TL flüssiger Honig (möglichst aus der Region)
  • 1 TL abgeriebene Orangenschale (Bio)
  • 1 Prise Piment (nach Belieben)
  • 3-4 große, dünn geschnittene Scheiben luftgetrockneter Schinken (z.B. italienischer Prosciutto)
  • 300 Gramm Filo- oder Yufka-Teigblätter (ich habe zehn Teigblätter benutzt)
  • 4-5 EL ungesalzene Butter
  • 4 EL Pinienkerne

Preparation of the Tart
  1. Wash the figs and cut in half.
  2. Pluck off the leaves of the stems of half the fresh thyme.
  3. In a medium bowl, whisk together the mascarpone with the egg yolks, sour cream, salt, pepper and thyme leaves.
  4. In another small bowl, whisk together the orange zest, the honey, and the allspice (if using).
  5. Cut or tear the prosciutto or other dried-cured ham into large pieces or strips.
  6. Preheat your oven to 220 degrees Celsius (convection not recommended).
  7. On your work surface, lay out the dough sheets.
  8. Melt butter and grease your tart pan ( I used a fluted 36 x 12 cm aluminum tart pan with removable bottom – that is comparable to a 23 cm round tart pan) with a soft-bristled brush.
  9. Brush each filo sheet with butter, taking care not to tear the delicate filo dough, and layer the sheets in the tart pan.
  10. Leave a bit of an edge of dough and carefully brush the edge with some butter as well.
  11. Pour the mascarpone mix in the tart pan and smooth the surface, place the figs, cut side up, in the mascarpone mix.
  12. Drizzle the honey mix over the figs.
  13. Top the tart with the remaining sprigs of thyme, pepper berries and pine nuts.
  14. Bake the tart for about 20 to 25 minutes in a preheated oven, making sure to bake it in the bottom third of your oven.
  15. Remove the tart from the oven and lay the ham strips on top.
  16. Just before serving, you can garnish the tart with some more fresh herbs.
Zubereitung der Tarte
  1. Feigen waschen, halbieren.
  2. Von der Hälfte der Thymianzweige die Blättchen abzupfen.
  3. In einer Schüssel den Mascarpone mit den Eigelben, saurer Sahne, Salz, Pfeffer und Thymianblättchen verrühren.
  4. In einer anderen kleinen Schüssel den Honig mit der Orangenschale und evtl. etwas Piment verrühren.
  5. Den Schinken in breite Streifen schneiden oder zupfen.
  6. Backofen auf 220 Grad (Umluft: bedingt geeignet) vorheizen.
  7. Die Teigblätter auf der Arbeitsfläche ausbreiten.
  8. Die Butter zerlassen und die Form einfetten (ich habe eine rechteckige Tarte-Form aus Aluminium mit welligem Rand in der Größe 36 cm x 12 cm benutzt - das entspricht einer runden Tarte-Form mit 23 cm Durchmesser).
  9. Die einzelnen Teigblätter vorsichtig mit etwas Butter bestreichen und aufeinanderlegen in die Form legen.
  10. Einen Teigrand überstehen lassen und ebenfalls mit Butter bestreichen.
  11. Den Teigboden mit der Mascarpone-Creme bestreichen, Feigen (Schnittflächen nach oben) in die Creme setzen.
  12. Den Honig-Mix über die Feigen träufeln.
  13. Die übrigen Thymianzweige, Pinienkerne und, wenn gewünscht, die Pfefferbeeren darauf verteilen.
  14. Die Tarte im vorgeheizten Backofen auf der untersten Schiene etwa 20 bis 25 Minuten backen.
  15. Aus dem Ofen nehmen und die Schinkenstreifen darauflegen.
  16. Die fertige Tarte nach Belieben mit frischen Kräutern garnieren und servieren.

Savory tart recipes are scrumptious dishes and versatile too – vegetarians can omit or replace any meat ingredients. You can serve them with a crunchy green salad, such as a spinach salad, for a satisfying supper or as part of a spread. We enjoyed this tart as an appetizerand enjoyed the different components that is has such as the lovely prosciutto
Pikante Tarte-Rezepte sind sehr vielseitig. Für eine fleischlose Variante kann man den Schinken natürlich weglassen. Sie können die Tarte mit einem knackig grünen Salat, z. B. frischen Spinatsalat, oder eben auch ohne Beilage servieren. Wir haben die Tarte als Vorspeise genossen und fanden die verschiedenen Komponenten wie den leckeren Prosciutto

…and the dark burgundy-colored fresh figs that were drizzled with some local honey
…die frischen, burgunderroten Feigen die mit mildem Honig aus der Region beträufelt wurden…

…and the fresh thyme and pine nuts. Taken all together this tart was a feast for the eyes as well as a treat for our taste buds.
…und den frischen Thymian und die Pinienkerne in dieser Zusammenstellung einfach nur wunderbar. Ein wahrer Augen- und Gaumenschmaus.

Whether you choose to serve this tart as an appetizer or as a main course with a salad, or as a snack, whatever the occasion, it tastes simply amazing and is guaranteed to impress family and friends!
Wie auch immer Sie diese Tarte servieren, als Vorspeise, als Hauptgang mit Salat oder als Snack, zu welchem Anlass auch immer, sie schmeckt einfach umwerfend!

Enjoying preparing this wonderful Filo Tart with fresh Figs & Prosciutto.
Viel Spaß beim Zubereiten dieser Filotarte mit frischen Feigen & Prosciutto.

For more Filo Tart inspiration on my blog, have a look at:

  • Filo Tart with White Asparagus, Goat Cheese & Meadowsweet Blossoms (Filotarte mit weißem Spargel, Ziegenkäse & Mädesüßblüten) (HERE)
  • December Filo Tart with Mini Brussels Sprouts (Filotarte mit Rosenköhlröschen) (HERE)
  • Crispy, Crackly Apple-Almond Tart (HERE)
  • River Cottage "Veg Everyday" Courgette and Filo Rice Pie (HERE)
  • Red Swiss Chard & Mushroom Filo Tart  ( Winterliche Filotarte mit rotem Mangold & braunen Champignons) (HERE


  1. Mascarpone, sour cream, honey, figs, and Prosciutto - oh my, but this sounds wonderful. And the crust is a stroke of genius!

    1. Adri, you would enjoy this tart with fresh figs, mascarpone, crunchy filo dough, honey, and thyme for sure. And it looks quite pretty too - which cannot hurt either - especially when you serve it for an outside lunch in September.
      Grazie mille per il complimento!

  2. Wow, that is just the prettiest thing ever Amdrea! That photo of the layers of Filo is just amazing!

    1. Chris, filo dough is very versaile and if you find a good one, it is easier to work with than we often assune and the taset is hard to beat!
      Thanks for stopping by and have a great Sunday!

  3. Andrea - that is the most perfect fig tart I have ever seen! And the figs are so perfect themselves. We have a few ripening on the tree - I love that we get early and lat figs. The later ones are much sweeter, too. The addition of pine nuts is lovely, the the pink peppercorns? Just brilliant! Thanks so much - and thanks for the reminder that fig = Feigen auf Deutsch. ~ David

    1. David, thank you so much for the wonderful comment - I dream of a fig tree in my garden and while I read your lovely comment, I was ponderding whether a fig tree would thrive in our garden - Bonn climate - probably not - but it would be fantastic if it did work!

  4. YEsssssssssssssss.
    All of these marvelous flavors make my taste buds dance inside my mouth.

    MMMmmm. Xx

    1. Kim, you are such a kind person - loving your wonderful comments! The combination of flavors was truly wonderful - then, again, who does not fall for fresh burgundy-hued sweet figs, local honey, thmye from the garden, pine nuts, etc. a must repeat for us while fig season lasts.

  5. The ingredients in this tart are some of my favorites. I love the figs and the prosciutto. Using filo is a great time saver and is one of my favorites to use when baking. Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe. I am going to the market to look for some figs.

    1. Geraldine, the ingredients for this tart are just the best - everyone in our family enjoyed this lovely tart with the creamy, salty and fruity filling and topping - got to take advantage of these fresh figs while the season lasts. If you do get a chance to make this tart, Geraldine, please let me know whether you enjoyed it!

  6. Oh wow this recipe is a keeper!!! Done in 20 minutes and it looks so professional!! :) Like in a restaurant! The light filo dough is the perfect addition to the filling mascarpone! Perfect dear!! I have to make this the next time guest are coming over!!!
    xox Amy

    1. Amy, pretty tart - certainly suitable to serve to your lovely guests. And, yes, it does not take more than 20 to 25 minutes to put together - once you have assembled all the ingredients, that is - so, if you get a chance to bake this tart, I am sure that you will love it and so will your guests.

  7. Gorgeous are so so creative and flavorful combination of fig and prosciutto with mascarpone,orange zest is super yummy and has come out beautiful and perfect...will love to devour a scrumptious slice of it now,thanks for sharing :-)

    1. Kumar, thank you very much - nice to readthat you enjoy the combination of ingredients in this autumnal tart - it was fun to put together and fabulous tasting!

  8. My favorite combination of all time,
    looks so delicious!

    1. Muito obrigado! So glad that you like the flavor combination of this fabulous autumnal Tart with fresh Figs and Prosciutto - recipes like this let´s you showcase the best of what´s in season.

  9. What a showstopper, Andrea! I am sorry I polished off that bowl of figs yesterday (they don't keep for any length of time do they!) Now that I've spotted this lovely recipe, I'll be trying it out asap. Figs and ham is a delicious combo and you've kicked it up a notch by combining the sweet/salty flavours in a tart.

    1. Hester, if you do get some more fresh figs before the season has come to an end, try this tart and you will not regret. It is a looker and it tastes wonderful too! Thanks for the nice comment!

  10. Andrea doll, I love that you used phyllo for the tart shell.
    Easy, light and such a joy to eat.
    This tart is simply lovely. Figs, prosciutto, pine nuts - irresistible. xo

    1. Colette, so come on over for dinner and I will make one for you and we will enjoy this together - I am quite sure that you would really like the flavor combination in this tart. Thanks for the kind visit, my dear!

  11. I can't begin to explain how much I like this tart Andrea. All favorites, from figs to filo. Absolutely stunning my friend!

    1. Paula, then I thank you very much for your wonderful comment - I certainly appreciate it! I know you like figs and tarts, so I thought that this might be a recipe you would consider making yourself! Thanks, my friend!

  12. Oh-my!
    How can you come up with so many delicious things in such a short time? I am stuck with work for one week and when I come here I always find incredible things... like this tart! It's so creative, so beautiful, so perfect! An I am like... I want to do everything on this blog, and take pictures like yours!
    I am looking forward to go to Munich! And when I get a kitchen of my own there I will probably start recreating this recipes ;)

    Greetings from Aveiro, Portugal :)

    1. Inês, you are such a kind person, my dear! I am totallay flattered, my friend! You now I should take a train and come visit you in Munich - I would love to do a little "foodie" tour with you through that beautiful city. If you are staying for a few months, I am sure I can arrange a visit! That would be fun!
      Greetings all the way to Porto, Portugal and take care!

  13. I wanted to put my hand into the screen and just grab one!

    1. Thank you kindly for the nice comment - glad to read that you enjoy this post!

  14. Oh Andrea, this is just gorgeous. I would love to share the recipe on my blog in a few weeks. Let me if that would be okay! I am just in awe! Love to you and the girls!!

    1. Monet, well, I am flattered that you want to blog about this tart as well - I am fine with that as long as you kindly include the source of the recipe (copyright) and the source of the translation (me), please - I know, of course, you will, just wanted to make to make double sure - thank you and hugs to cutie pie Lucy, please!

  15. What wonderful ingredients - a treat of a tart!!! beautiful photos!
    Mary x

    1. Mary, thank you - the ingredients for this tart are seasonal and delicious and pretty photogenic - which made this post a fun experience all around!

  16. I love this tart! Great combination of flavours and I have bookmarked this one to make. I would love a piece now :)

    1. Karen, let me know if and when you get a chance to make this Fresh Fig and Prosciutto Tart how you liked it - nice to have kind feedback!

  17. I have eaten figs and prosciutto before but not in tart. Wow, this tart is so beautiful, Andrea! I can imagine this coming out of the oven. I will skip meals to eat this whole thing. ;) I love love figs in baked goods. Delicious!

    1. Nami. aren´t figs in baked goods just the best, ever - I loved the Walnut Fig Cake that I posted last September
      and we really enjoyed this savory tart with figs too - it was fun to put together!

  18. Beautiful tart!! We are on a fig craze lately.. Our first fig post goes live tomorrow!!! =)

    1. Thanks - I saw your two posts on fig jam and grilled figs - quite interesting and certainly creative too. Thanks for stopping by!
