Impressum / DSGVO

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Cheese Bites - Käsegebäckwürfel

A savory biscuit is just the thing for a drinks and nibbles party, or as a delicious starter for when friends visit and these are really easy to whip up. Who needs more of an excuse to bake up a batch of these wonderful Cheese Bites.
Herzhaftes Käsegebäck ist genau das Richtige als Knabberei für nebenbei, für Partys oder als kleine Vorspeise. Sie sind wirklich einfach zuzubereiten. Da braucht man eigentlich gar keinen besonderen Grund, um schnell ein paar von diesen Käsegebäckwürfeln zu backen.

Cheese Bites

Ingredients for the dough
  • 100 grams of cheese (I used aged Gouda, but mature Cheddar would also be a good alternative)
  • 100 grams white spelt flour
  • ½  tsp baking powder
  • 100 grams Greek yogurt
  • a good pinch of sea salt
  • 20 grams unsalted butter

Ingredients for the topping
  • 1 tsp poppy seeds
  • 1 tsp sesame seeds
  • 1 tsp paprika powder (sweet and not smoked)
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tbsp water

  • a baking sheet
  • a piece of baking paper
  • ruler
  • a soft bristled brush

Zutaten für den Teig
  • 100 Gramm Käse (ich habe einen sogenannten „überjährigen“ Gouda genommen, reifer Cheddar wäre auch eine gute Alternative)
  • 100 Gramm Dinkelmehl (Typ 630)
  • 1/2  TL Backpulver
  • 100 Gramm griechischer Jogurt
  • eine gute Prise Meersalz
  • 20 Gramm ungesalzene Butter

Zutaten für den Belag
  • 1 TL Mohn
  • 1 TL Sesamsaat
  • 1 TL Paprikapulver (süß nicht geräuchert)
  • 1 Eigelb
  • 1 EL Wasser

  • ein Backblech
  • ein Stück Backpapier
  • Lineal
  • ein weicher Backpinsel

Preparation of the Cheese Bites
  1. Coarsely grate the cheese.
  2. Mix together the grated cheese, flour, baking powder, yogurt, salt and butter in a mixing bowl.
  3. Using the dough hook of your mixer, knead everything into a smooth dough.
  4. Then knead again with floured hands and wrap in plastic wrap.
  5. Place the dough in the fridge for an hour.
  6. Pre-heat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius (convection 150 degrees Celsius).
  7. On the floured work surface roll out the dough. Straighten the sides with a knife (about 15 cm x 15 cm) and then cut out squares.
  8. Transfer the dough cubes to the parchment lined baking sheet
  9. Whisk egg yolk together with 1 tablespoon water.
  10. Brush the cubes.
  11. Sprinkle the cubes with sesame seeds and poppy seeds and sprinkle with some paprika powder.
  12. Bake for about 15 minutes in the preheated oven.
  13. Take out and place on a wire rack.
Zubereitung der Käsewürfel
  1. Käse grob reiben.
  2. Geriebenen Käse, Mehl, Backpulver, Jogurt, Salz und Butter in eine Rührschüssel geben.
  3. Mit den Knethaken des Handrührgerätes alles zu einem glatten Teig verkneten.
  4. Dann mit bemehlten Händen nochmals gut durchkneten und in Frischhaltefolie wickeln.
  5. Den Teig für eine Stunde in den Kühlschrank legen.
  6. Den Backofen auf 175 Grad Celsius (Umluft 150 Grad Celsius) vorheizen.
  7. Auf der bemehlten Arbeitsfläche ausrollen. Die Seiten mit einem Messer begradigen (zirka 15 cm x 15 cm) und dann Quadrate ausschneiden.
  8. Auf das mit Backpapier ausgelegtes Backblech legen.
  9. Eigelb und 1 EL Wasser verquirlen.
  10. Würfel damit einpinseln.
  11. Würfel mit Sesam, Mohn und Paprikapulver bestreuen.
  12. Im vorgeheizten Backofen ca. 15 Minuten backen.
  13. Herausnehmen, auf ein Kuchengitter setzen, auskühlen lassen.

The Cheese Bites are definitely best eaten the same day. However, they will keep for a day or two in a cookie tin. If you plan on making them a day in advance, you should re-heat them on the baking sheet in a pre-heated oven for 5 to 10 minutes until they are warm and fragrant.

As far as the cheese is concerned, I like using a well adged Gouda ("Noord-Hollandse Gouda - 48+") from the Netherlands - it lends a wonderful strong flavor to the Cheese Bites and a nice, rich color as well. You could also substitue a mature Cheddar cheese. Just make sure to adjust the amount of salt according to which cheese you choose.


Das Käsegebäck schmeckt natürlich am besten am selben Tag. Aber es hält sich auch für ein oder zwei Tage in einer Keksdose. Wenn man das Gebäck einen Tage vorher backt, sollte man es auf einem Backblech in dem vorgeheizten Ofen für 5 bis 10 Minuten im Ofen solange aufbacken, bis es warm und duftend ist.

Was die Wahl des Käses angeht, so nehme ich gerne einen überjährigen Gouda aus den Niederlanden ("Noord-Hollandse Gouda - 48+") - seine Würze und natürliche Farbe kommt ganz besonders gut in diesem Gebäck zur Geltung. Man kann den Gouda aber auch mit Cheddar ersetzen. Man sollte aber auf jeden Fall daran denken, die Salzmenge abhängig von der Käsesorte zu machen.

Viel Spaß beim Nachbacken!


  1. These look dangerous. I'd gobble them all up in an instant! xo

    1. Dear Colette, dangerous they are - impossible to eat just one. If the smell while they are baking did not get you, the taste most certainly will.

  2. Why does everything sound so much more fun in German. I love that word - Käsegebäckwürfel, so much more interesting and with more character than "cheese bites" :) BTW, they look wonderful, probably perfect with a good German beer!

    1. Chris, because German is such a "fun" language - seriously, to me, everything in Germand sounds more complicated than in English but I still love that language, of course. And these Käsegebäckwürfel do taste wonderful with German beer or wine or juice and some fruit too.

  3. I am having friends over for dinner tomorrow and I think these would be a lovely and delicious first course to serve! You can't go wrong with cheese!

    1. Monet, you most certainly cannot go wrong with cheese - these biscuits smell wonderful while baking and taste even better when enjoyed while still warm from the oven. I certainly hope that you will have a fun evening with your friends and maybe even get a chance to bake these - if so, please let me know whether you liked them.

  4. Hello

    I love cooking and this suggestion is delicious, a real treat.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment - I will hop over to your blog now!

  5. Wir sind eingeladen, ich werde die Kaesegebaeckwuerfel backen, ab ins Cellophantütchen, eine Flasche Wein dazu.... perfekt :-) Seit wir hier an der Ostkueste leben, ist der extra sharp Cheddar aus Vermont mein absoluter Lieblingskäse... vielleicht versuche ich sie auch mit Kümmel...

    Andrea, es passt so gar nicht zu den Kaesegebaeckwuerfeln, aber schau dir mal diesen Link an: , falls du ihn noch nicht kennst, bin ich mir sicher, er wird dir gefallen :-) einen ganz lieben Gruss!

    1. Liebe Wally, lieben Dank für deinen Kommentar - Kümmel hört sich immer gut auf Käsegebäck an. Und eine Flasche Wein dazu - also ein perfektes Gastgeschenk! Und der Cheddar (extra sharp) ist in der Tat ein wunderbarer Käse und eignet sich ausgezeichnet für Käsegebäck. Lieben Dank auch für den Link zu houseonthehill - ich habe mir den schon öfter angeguckt, in der Tat wahnsinnig schön.
      Ganz herzliche Grüße aus Bonn!

  6. Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe. I will be making them for Thanksgiving:)

    1. Geraldine, thanks so much - if you get a chance to make these, please do let me know how they turned out.

  7. LOL!!! Laughing at Chris comment above it true!! The words do sound like so much fun in German!! This is a great little app!!! Sounds pretty stress free to make!!

    1. You two - the word is a pretty darn funny word and so are many others in the German language, funny, long and complicated too! Thanks so much for the comment - this is a stress-free recipe indeed!

  8. These look perfect for a party!! Love good cheese and I bet these are delicious. My children love these cheese bites and snacks and it's nice to have a quick recipe for them. Thank you!
    I just recently started learning German, just because I've always wanted to, and iI'm happy to see German version next to the English, helps me practice a bit :). I'm still very much a beginner so when I get better I will try and leave my comment in German :)


    1. Dear Nazeen, what a delightful idea - comments in German from you would be quite wonderful. A quick recipe for cheese bites is always welcome as my kids also really enjoy snacking on them and somehow it seems that I never make enough. I double the recipe usually and then we are fine for a few hours...
      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  9. we just want to finish off that whole plateful of cheese bits....such tempting and quick to make party favorites....thanks so much for sharing :-)

    1. Kumar, you are quite welcome - thanks for the wonderful comment! These cheese bites are easy to make and even easier to enjoy and certainly worth making.

  10. Sinful.
    I LOVE your images. You. are. gifted. Xxx

    1. Thank you very much, dear Kim! What a joy to learn that you like the pictures behind the recipes too!

  11. These are perfect Andrea, great for pre dinner snacks with drinks. I am bookmarking these to try!

    1. Karen, easy to make and just the right amount - you will have just about 20 or so of these cheese bites - if you get a chanc eto try them please let me know how they turned out! Thanks for the comment, my dear!

  12. Replies
    1. Dear Candy, I am sure that you would really enjy these cheese bites! Thanks for stopping by!

  13. These do look like the perfect party food. I have been looking for white spelt flour here and have not yet found any. I will keep trying because it sounds so good! Bis später! ~ David

    1. Dear David, these cheese bites do make indeed perfect party food - just not at our house - they were gone before any party could even be planned - just way too many taste testers, I guess or just have to make more of these next time!

  14. i can barely smells the fragrance of the cheese when you pop that out from the oven!

    1. Dede, thanks, the smell of these cheese bites is quite wonderful while they are baking in the oven!
