Impressum / DSGVO

Monday, December 16, 2013

Fennel Grape Bread - Fenchel-Traubenbrot

The Kitchen Lioness is in the final selection for the "foodies food-blog of the year 2013". And, obviously,  I am quite delighted!
You would make me a very happy blogger indeed if you cast your vote for my blog! To show my appreciation, I am posting a lovely recipe for a delicious Fennel Grape Bread today!
The Kitchen Lioness ist in der Endauswahl zum "Foodies-Food-Blog des Jahres 2013". Wie schön!
Es würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Ihr für mich abstimmen würdet! Ich weiß es wirklich zu schätzen und darum gibt es auch noch ein schönes Rezept für Fenchel-Trauben Brot als Dankeschön sozusagen!

Fennel Grape Bread

Ingredients for the Bread
  • 250 grams wheat flour (strong flour)
  • 4 grams dry yeast
  • ½ tsp. sugar
  • ½ tsp. fine sea salt
  • 1 tbsp. good olive oil
  • 1 large fennel bulb, topped and tailed
  • 100 grams of purple, seedless grapes
  • 2 tsp fennel seeds
  • coarse sea salt
  • a bit more olive oil (for serving)

Zutaten für das Brot
  • 250 Gramm Weizenmehl (Type 1050)
  • 4 Gramm Trockenhefe
  • ½ TL Zucker
  • ½ TL feines Meersalz
  • 1 EL Olivenöl
  • 1 große Fenchelknolle
  • 100 Gramm rote, kernlose Trauben
  • 2 TL Fenchelsaat
  • grobes Meersalz
  • ein wenig Olivenöl (zum Servieren)

Preparation of the Bread
  1. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, yeast, sugar, salt, olive oil, and 200 ml lukewarm water. Knead for about 10 minutes until you have an elastic dough.
  2. Roll the dough into a ball shape, place it in a bowl, cover with food wrap and place it in a warm, draft-free area for about 45 minutes.
  3. While the dough is rising, wash the grapes and plug them from the stalks. Wash the fennel bulb, cut it into thick slices and blanch in lightly salted water for about 3 minutes. Drain well (very carefully squash out the excess water between a few layers of paper towels).
  4. Take the dough out of the bowl. And knead well again.
  5. Roll out the dough, scatter grapes and fennel slices on top grapes, using the palm of your hand, push the grapes and fennel very lightly into the dough. Sprinkle the fennel seeds on top. Cover with cling film and leave it again for about 10 minutes.
  6. Preheat the oven to 225 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees convection).
  7. Bake the bread for about  20 minutes until golden brown, remove from the oven and place on a rack for about 10 minutes before serving.
  8. For serving: drizzle ever so lightly with some really good quality, fruity olive oil – the bread is best enjoyed while still warm!
Zubereitung des Brots
  1. Aus Mehl, Hefe, Zucker, Salz, Olivenöl und 200 ml lauwarmen Wasser einen Teig herstellen und diesen 10 Minuten geschmeidig kneten.
  2. Den Teig zu einer Kugel formen und in einer abgedeckten Schüssel an einem warmen Ort 45 Minuten gehen lassen.
  3. Die Trauben von den Stengel pflücken, waschen. Die Fenchelknolle waschen, in dicke Scheiben schneiden und für zirka drei Minuten in gesalzenen Wasser blanchieren. Gut abtropfen lassen (am besten das überschüssige Wasser zwischen Lagen von Küchenpapier vorsichtig ausdrücken).
  4. Den Teig aus der Schüssel nehmen. Und nochmal gut durchkneten.
  5. Den Hefeteig ausrollen, die Trauben hineindrücken, mit Fenchelscheiben belegen, diese auch leicht in den Teig drücken, mit der Fenchelsaat bestreuen. Mit Frischhaltefolie bedecken und nochmals für zirka 10 Minuten gehen lassen.
  6. Den Ofen auf 225 Grad Celsius (200 Grad Umluft) vorheizen.
  7. Das Brot zirka 20 Minuten goldbraun backen, aus dem Backofen nehmen und auf einem Rost zirka 10 Minuten abkühlen dann servieren.
  8. Zum Servieren: mit einigen Tropfen eines hochwertigen, fruchtigen Olivenöls beträufeln – das Brot wird am besten warm genossen!

The recipe is wonderful - fennel and grapes are still readily available at this time of year. The mild aniseed flavor of the fennel really harmonizes well with the sweetness of the purple grapes. And the fennel seed add a wonderful aromatic note to this focaccia style bread!
Das Rezept ist wunderbar – Fenchel und Trauben kann man zur Zeit noch überall zu kaufen. Der milde Anis-Geschmack von Fenchel harmoniert sehr gut mit der Süße der Trauben. Und die Fenchelsamen bringen eine wunderbare aromatische Note in dieses Brot, welches an ein Focaccia erinnert!

Thanks again for all your support! I really do appreciate it!
Lieben Dank nochmals für all eure Unterstützung!

Hier gehts es direkt zur Abstimmung!


  1. Congratulations on the contest. What cool news.This bread looks divine. I love roasted fennel. Well done! And now, off to vote! Buona fortuna!

    1. Grazie mille, cara Adri!!!

      Certainly need all the votes that I can get!

  2. Interesting, and oh so pretty! Voted! Good luck, Andrea - you so deserve such an award. :)

    1. Cathleen, thank you very much! I really appreciate the vote!

  3. This bread looks divine! I have voted - good luck, you deserve to win!

    1. Karen, you are simply the best! Thank you very much! I need all the support I can get!

  4. Wooohooo!! Congratulations dear to your nomination! Of course I voted for you :) This fennel grape bread looks amazing!! I never had grapes combined with fennel but I guess it makes a lovely combination!
    xox and a wonderful evening

    1. Amy, thank you very much for taking the time to vote - I really appreciate you taking the time to do so And thank you for all your lovely comments and support!

  5. I voted for you. Hope you winn!
    Did you get my last email from the 3the of December?

    1. Marion, you are such a trooper! Thank you for voting! I really appreciate it! I wiil send youa mail tomorrow - as soon as I have recovered from a nasty little infection.

    2. I'm sorry to hear that. Please take your time to get better!

    3. Dear Marion, I am on the road to very slow recovery and will contact you shortly - thank you for your concern!

  6. Lush.
    The Goddesses' should be devouring this! Xxxxx WOWWwwww
    Congrats on your nomination. YOU deserve it ALL. xx

    1. Kim, you are such a terrific person! Thank you so much for supportimg my blog!

  7. Congratulations - you have such a lovely site, you deserve to win!

    I often make a grape/ rosemary focaccia in the summer - I really like the addition of fennel to your flatbread. Beautiful!

    1. Cher, so very kind of you! Thank you for all your support and well wishes!

  8. Liebe Andrea, fuer mich hast du den allerbesten blog, so habe ich fuer dich gestimmt! Viel Glück! Ich drueck die Daumen (wenn ich nicht gerade in meiner Kueche beschaeftigt bin :-) )

    1. Liebe Wally, ganz herzlichen Dank - das mit den Daumen drücken kann ich gut gebrauchen. Ich freue mich unglaublich über deine liebe Unterstützung!

  9. This is so decadent, Andrea doll. I love the look of it and I can imagine the taste is heavenly.
    Hope your Wed is going well and you're keeping warm. It must be quite chilly there now. xoxo

    1. Dear Colette, please do no forget to cast your ballot - it would mean a lot to me. Glad you like this!

  10. The bread looks divine, my friend - and I have cast my vote. Are we allowed to vote more than once? I would happily stuff your ballot box! And I will happily make this bread, too - I love any and everything with fennel! ~ David

    1. Dear David, thank you for voting, the bread was nice, the translation was fun! The ballot can only be cast once per "IP address". As soon as feel better I will contcat you!

  11. I just cooked with some dried fennel today and was reminded of how much I love the flavor. This break looks glorious. And I am so happy you are up for that award. You deserve it my dear and you have my vote!

    1. Monet, thank you - fennel has turned out to be my one of my favorite vegetables - and thankfully, it is readily available around here. And so are the grapes. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. My dear Andrea, I voted for you and I hope you win! I love how beautiful this bread looks, so rustic yet so festive and I know it tastes delicious. I almost bought a fennel bulb today so I could make this but had to stop myself as I am watching my gluten intake. I know I would eat all of it myself! I will make it as soon as I am allowed to eat bread again. Have a wonderful Thursday!

    1. Dear Nazneen, so sorry to have been so slow lately - but I caught this very annoying bug from the kids and it just will not go away. Thank you for all your wonderful and kind support - I really appriciate it all!

  13. Oh my goodness, Andrea. I missed this. Thank you, thank you, Betsy for posting. I voted. You are my personal winner despite the outcome. To be recognized and then re-recognized is fantastic.

    1. Mary, well, the final decision is December 30th - foodies decided to do an online voting from December 16 to December 30 - we will know then, thank you for your support!

  14. Oh wow congrats! I voted. Merry Christmas to you and your girls. xxx

    1. Dear Trishie, thank you for voting - I certainly appreciate it, especially since the website is all in German - Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family as well!

  15. Wow Andrea, this bread looks divine...grapes and fennel...I can only imagine how must taste.
    Congratulation on the nomination...well deserved.

    1. Juliana, grapes and fennel are quite wonderful alone or when combined in this bread, they seem to be even more delicious.Thank you so much for stopping by!

  16. Hi Andrea, congrats on the nomination. Hope you had a merry Christmas, and wishing you a Happy New Year. Great looking bread!

    1. Gaye, thank you so much! This bread is nice as a starter as well as a side dish!

  17. An amazing bread - so delicious - I think I could eat the lot!
    Mary x

    1. Mary, baking bread at home is always nice - it is even more special when you can adda few veg and/or fruit to it! Thank you for stopping by!

  18. A heavenly dish to celebrate the New Year.

  19. What a beautiful bread Andrea! I have no idea how I hadn't discovered your blog before as you seem to have a lot of the same blogging friends as I do. Glad that I have now though, and the bonus is that there's lots to catch up on :) I'll definitely try this bread. I'm already a huge fan of fennel so I can imagine how delicious this would be. Thanks and congrats on the nomination, you definitely deserve it! x

    1. Laura, thank you so much! I am certainly glad we "met" this way - there are so many wonderful blogs out there, that it is easy to miss a wonderful blog like yours...but now that I know what I missed, I will certainly make up for it, visit and comment on your wonderful posts!

  20. This looks and sounds fantastic. :-)
