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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"River Cottage Veg Everyday" - Upside-down onion tart - Zwiebeltarte

For today´s recipe in my River Cottage Veg Everyday series, I chose the "Upside-down onion tart". This lovely side dish is the fourteenth post in my series. The onion is a basic kitchen vegetable, onions are arguably the "world’s most widely used ingredient".
Für meinen heutigen Blogpost in meiner River Cottage Veg Everyday Serie habe ich eine Zwiebeltarte ausgesucht. Diese leckere Rezept ist der vierzehnte Beitrag in meiner Serie. Die Zwiebel ist ein einfaches Küchengemüse. Zwiebeln sind wohl die "weltweit am häufigsten verwendete Zutat".

Onions are available in many different shapes and colors. Whether they are flattish brown or round pale bulbs, they all share a common structure, with a papery outer skin and protecting inner layers of pale, crisp flesh. Yellow onions are pungent enough to make your eyes water; Spanish onions are the largest, with brown skin and a mild, sweet flavor. Brown onions are a smaller variety of yellow onion with an even more pungent flavor. And mild red onions have a beautiful dark-red to purple outer paper skin. Inside, their crisp and sweet white flesh is edged with color.
Zwiebeln sind in vielen Formen und Farben erhältlich. Ob sie flach und braun sind, oder eher hell und rund, sie haben alle die gleiche Struktur. eine papierartige Außenhaut, die die inneren knackigen Lagen schützt. Gelbe Zwiebeln sind scharf genug, dass einem beim Schälen die Augen tränen. Spanische Zwiebeln sind die größten mit einer braunen Schale und einem milden, eher süßen Geschmack. Braune Zwiebeln sind kleiner als die gelben Zwiebeln und noch ein wenig schärfer. Und die milden roten Zwiebeln haben eine wunderschöne lila Schale. Das Zwiebelfleisch ist knackig und mit roter Farbe durchzogen.

This recipe is fabulous. As Hugh Fearnley-Whittigstall so aptly points out ”this is now a favourite cupboard´s-bare" recipe (...). With just two ingredients - onions and puff pastry - you can produce, in a short space of time, something rather smart and very tasty. It is another tarte tatin version, of course."
Dieses Rezept ist fabelhaft und, wie Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall so treffend bemerkt, "dieses Rezept kann man trotz einem fast leeren Vorratsschrank machen (...). Mit nur zwei Zutaten - Zwiebeln und Blätterteig - kann man in kurzer Zeit etwas richtig Gutes und Sckmackhaftes zubereiten. Diese Tarte ist natürlich eine etwas andere Tarte Tatin." 

Upside-down Onion Tart
(the original recipe can be found in "River Cottage Veg Everyday")

Ingredients for the Tart
  • about 200 grams all-butter ready-made puff pastry
  • 3 to 4 medium onions (about 350 grams)
  • a small knob unsalted butter
  • 1 tbsp.rapeseed or olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
  • a bit of fine sea salt
  • freshly ground black pepper

Special equipment needed
  • a tarte tatin pan or oven-proof pan (I like to use my "Le Creuset" tart tatin pan)
(übersetzt vom Original in "River Cottage Veg Everyday")

Zutaten für die Zwiebeltarte
  • fertiger Blätterteig (zirka 200 Gramm)
  • 3 bis 4 mittelgroße Zwiebeln (zirka 350 Gramm)
  • etwas ungesalzene Butter
  • 1 TL neutrales oder Olivenöl
  • 1 TL Balsamico-Essig
  • etwas feines Meersalz
  • frisch gemahlener schwarzer Pfeffer

  • eine Tarte-Tatin-Form oder eine ofenfeste Pfanne (ich nehme eine "Le Creuset Form")

Preparation of the Tart

  1. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius.
  2. Roll out the pastry to a 3–4mm thickness and cut out a 20cm circle.
  3. Wrap the pastry disc and place it in the fridge.
  4. Peel the onions and slice each one into 6 or 8 wedges, keeping them attached at the root end.
  5. Heat the butter and oil in a 20 cm tarte tatin pan or ovenproof frying pan over a medium heat.
  6. Add the onions, arranging them roughly in a concentric pattern.
  7. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and cook for about 15–20 minutes, turning once or twice, until they are fairly tender, and starting to caramelize around the edges.
  8. Trickle the balsamic vinegar over the onions and cook for a couple of minutes more, so the vinegar reduces a little.
  9. Remove from the heat and make sure the onions are fairly evenly spread around the pan.
  10. Lay the pastry disc over the onions and put the pan into the oven.
  11. Bake for 20 minutes, until the pastry is fully puffed up and golden.
  12. Invert the tart on to a plate, so the sticky caramelised onions are facing up, on top of the crispy pastry.
  13. Serve straight away.
Zubereitung der Zwiebeltarte

  1. Den Ofen auf 190 Grad Celsius vorheizen.
  2. Den Blättereteig 3-4 mm dünn ausrollen und einen Kreis von 20 cm Umfang ausschneiden.
  3. Den Blätterteig in den Kühlschrank legen.
  4. Die Zwiebeln schälen und jede Zwiebel in sechs bis acht Spalten schneiden, dabei die Wurzelenden intakt lassen.
  5. Die Butter und das Öl bei mittlerer Hitze in der Tarte-Tatin-Form oder in einer ofenfesten Pfanne erhitzen.
  6. Die Zwiebel in die Pfanne geben und kreisförmig anrichten.
  7. Salzen und pfeffern und zirka 15 bis 20 Minuten sanft braten. Ein- oder zweimal wenden, bis die Zwiebeln weich sind und an den Rändern zu karamellisieren beginnen.
  8. Den Balsamico-Essig darüber träufeln und für zwei Minuten einkochen lassen.
  9. Vom Herd nehmen und sich vergewissern, dass die Zwiebeln noch ziemlich gleichmäßig in der Pfanne verteilt sind.
  10. Den Blätterteig aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen und auf die Zwiebeln legen. Die Pfanne in den vorgeheizten Ofen stellen.
  11. Für zirka 20 Minuten backen bis der Blätterteig aufgegangen und goldbraun ist.
  12. Die Tarte auf eine Platte stürzen, so dass die karamellisierten Zwiebeln auf dem knusprigen Teig liegen.
  13. Sofort servieren.

If you have followed my series so far, you will have noticed that I do not usually publish the recipes from the cookbook as I would like to encourage you to buy the book, that is, if you have taken a liking to the vegetable recipes that I have featured so far. But I found this recipe to be widely available online and decided to make an exception today. I took the liberty to include it my post today and translated it as well.
Wer meiner Serie bisher gefolgt ist, weiß, dass ich eigentlich keine Rezepte aus diesem Buch veröffentliche, wiel ich meine Leser ermutigen möchte, sich das Buch zu besorgen, falls die Rezepte, die ich soweit aus dem Buch nachgekocht habe, Anklang gefunden haben. Da man das heutige Rezept aber auf verschiedenen Seiten im Internet finden kann, habe ich es in meinem Blogpost mit hinein genommen und auch übersetzt.

My taste testers found this to be a delicious and different kind of appetizer - grown-ups and young ones all liked this onion tart as they really enjoyed the crispiness of the puff pastry and the sweetness of the caramlized onions.

Next time I prepare this tart, I would like to try different onions, maybe red onions or even a mix of different onions.
Meine Geschmackstester haben diese Zwiebeltarte sehr genossen, wobei ich sie als Vorspeise serviert habe. Mit Salat eignet sie sich aber auch hervorragend als Hauptgang. Der knusprige Blätterteigboden und die süßen, karamellisierten Zwiebeln machen diese Tarte zu einem besonderen Geschmackserlebnis.

Nächstes Mal, wenn ich diese Tarte zubereite, werde ich rote Zwiebeln nehmen oder auch eine Mischung aus verschiedenen Zwiebelsorten.

If you own the English edition of this family friendly vegetable cookbook by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, called "River Cottage Veg Everyday", you will find the recipe for the “Upside-down onion tart” on page 218  in the chapter on "Store-Cupboard Suppers".
Wer die englische Ausgabe dieses familienfreundlichen Gemüsekochbuch von Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall mit dem Titel "River Cottage Veg Everyday" in seiner Kochbuchsammlung hat, findet das Rezept für die Zwiebeltarte oder "Upside-down onion tart" auf Seite 218 in dem Kapitel "Store-Cupboard Suppers".


  1. How fun and beautiful this is Andrea. I'm looking forward to a cupboard-is-bare day now!!

    1. Dear Chris, as this basically two-ingredient onion tart proved, an almost bare cupboard can definitely be a good thing!

  2. Yummy!!! I love love onion tarts!

    1. Maria, thank you very much - I totally agree with you, onion tarts are always such a treat.

  3. Stunning photos, presentation.

    Superb looking CRUST!

    I'd love this w/ some red wine right now. Xx

    1. Kim, I think red wine sounds wonderful with this upside-down onion tart! Thanks for commenting!

  4. My cupboard is bare now although I have the ingredients to make this - but I am going to save this recipe for the weekend when we have time to sit down and savour it as it deserves!

    1. Karen, sounds like a very good plan to me! Hopefully you will get a chance to try out this recipe - it comes together in no time, the main ingredient seems to be patience while watching the onions in the pan to make sure that they do not burn.

  5. Das sieht so koestlich aus, ich koennte da sofort herzhaft hineinbeissen, hoere foermlich das Knistern vom knusprigen Blätterteig, dazu ein Glas Wein... aaahhhhh
    Diese Fotos überzeugen, die Tarte scheint perfekt gelungen ... Es geht dir hoffentlich gut.

    1. Liebe Wally, ganz herzlichen Dank für den netten Kommentar. So ganz ist meine Koordination noch nicht wieder hergestellt, aber es wird besser. Das Kochen und Backen scheint mir eine ganz gute "Übung" dieser Tage...Schön, dass dir die Fotos gefallen, die Januarsonne hat doch tatsächlich geschienen als ich die Fotos gemacht habe. Die Tarte war übrigens ziemlich lecker, da die Zwiebeln so schön karamelisieren wenn man sie so zubereitet.
      Ganz herzliche Grüße aus Bonn!

  6. That looks unbelievably delicious!! Oh was already hungry but now I've starving and my mouth started to water. What have you done to me??!!

    PS: Hope you are well now after being in the hospital. Take good care.

    1. Dear Trishie, this is a nice and easy recipe and it is delicious on its own or with a side salad - so maybe you will find the time to prepare this some day - it is worth it! Glad you enjoyed this post - and thank you very much for asking, I do feel better these days, not quite up to my usual self but definitely getting there!

  7. Oh yum, this looks beautiful Andrea! That crisp, golden pastry looks divine, particularly when crowned with such lovely caramelized onions. So nice to see you back and blogging again... I do hope that your strength will soon return completely and you'll feel back to your old self. Sending you hugs and kind thoughts. Oh, and I am bookmarking this tart for a cook-up very soon xx

    1. Dear Laura, so kind of you - thank you for your wonderful comment and the well-wishes - I am happy to report that I am getting better, a bit every day. So, in the meantime while still taking it easy, I will take in as much inspiration as possible for some interesting posts in the future. This recipe for the onion tart is nice and easy and it leaves some room for inspired interpretation - such as switching the kinds of onions or even using shallots.If you do get a chance to prepare it, let me know wether you enjoyed it!

      thanks so muc

  8. This does look absolutely beautiful - and so mouthwatering (past the eye-watering stage of cutting the onions!). Now that I am getting pretty good at homemade puff pastry, I will want to try this. As you said in your note to Laura, it leaves room for interpretation. SOme black olives nestled among the onions would be nice! Tchüß! David

    1. Dear David, homemade puff pastry - now I am seriously envious. I made that only twice and found it to be delicious albeit kind of labor intensive. Just too many distarctions these days. Thank goodness for store-bought ready-made puff pastry which allows me to put this tart together in no time. But I would really love to try this with homemade puff pastry one day! Thanks for the very nice comment!

  9. This is just utterly tantalizing, and I adore you photography. Well done!

    1. Adri, how kind of you, thank you also for posting the link to my Upside-down onion tart on FB as well - fabulous to get such kind support, dear friend!
      Grazie mille per il tuo complimento!

  10. Caramelized onions drizzled with sweet balsamic vinegar and puff pastry makes me drool already while I'm reading your post!! And the pictures look stunning as always dear!
    Sleep well
    xox Amy

    1. Dear Amy, the different components of this tart are few but flavorful and harmonize nicely! Glad that you mention the pictures - I got lucky and the sun peeked out between the clouds for a moment while I took the pictures.
      Always so very nice to hear from you - take care and have a wonderful week, my dear!

  11. The picture says it all! Beautifully done and the caramelized onion crown is drool worthy :)

    1. Thanks so much, caramelized onions are the best - they add such a nice sweet and savory taste to so many dishes.

  12. You're back, my friend, and in such good form. What a lovely tart. I think I'll have to try my hand at making one this w/end.
    Hope you've got a wonderful w/end in the works. xoxox

    1. Colette, dear friend, this is such an easy recipe tp prepare - otherwise I would not have posted it as I am not quite back to my old self yet, but I am getting there slowly but surely!

  13. So happy to see you back on the interwebs, Andrea! What a beautiful dish to come back with.

    1. Cher, thank you so much for welcoming me back - it does feel rather good to be blogging again!

  14. This tarte looks and sounds delicious.Love the elegant simplicity of this recipe.

    1. Daniela, these recipes are just the best, delicious, easy, yet not that bad looking - what more could we ask from a weeknight onion tart?! Thanks for the lovely comment!

  15. This is such a lovely tart…and only two ingredients! Caramelized onions and puff pastry simple and elegant!! Take care, my friend!

    1. Kathy, very kind of you - it is true, caramelized onions are hard to beat but in combination with puff pastry, they are even better!

  16. I absolutely adore this onion tart! I made a version with shallots and homemade puff pastry so I know how delicious this is! Yours looks so beautiful, Andrea, just stunning!

    1. Nazneen, homemade puff pastry sounds delightful but right now I must admit that I neither have the patience nor the strength to tackle that project. And there is excellent ready-made puff pastry available in stores, so homemade just has to wait.

  17. I'm happy that you posted the recipe for this dish…it is very pretty. I make something similar but I think this makes such a nice presentation. I wasn't able to comment before but things seen to have corrected themselves. I'm happy that you are feeling well enough to share some of your wonderful cooking with us.

    1. Karen, thank you - I decided to post this recipe as it can be easily found online. This tart is wonderful as a side dish as well as a main course with a nice crisp salad maybe. The kids love caramelized onions as well, so they were thrilled with this recipe!

  18. So gorgeous and I want to eat this! I don't think I've had onion tart (not in my house, and prob not in restaurant), but I love caramelized, sweet, cooked onion!

    I noticed you use "rapeseed oil". In Japan we have that oil too, and went to look for it here in the US. People are like "rape"seed? Such a weird name... Anyway, beautiful shot of onion tart, Andrea! :)

    1. Nami, rapeseed oil is readily available in stores here we call it "Rapsöl" - it is considered neutral which makes it a good choice for a cooking oil. But I also use sunflower oil quite a bit as well. Thank you for you comment, dear friend!

  19. Two ingredients and such a tempting tart Andrea! Really love what a simple oven caramelization can do. And thanks for your wonderful comment; I'm so glad you're feeling better every day!
