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Friday, June 6, 2014

French Fridays with Dorie - Salmon Rillettes

Today´s recipe for the French Fridays with Dorie group is "Salmon Rillettes" or "Rillettes aux deux saumons".

Rillettes are known to be a kind of pâté made from meat, such as pork, rabbit, goose or duck, which is cooked in seasoned lard, then shredded and pounded to a smooth paste. The paste is then packed into a terrine or into ramekins and served as a cold hors d'oeuvre, to be spread onto toast or bread. But these salmon rillettes are made with smoked salmon as well as poached fresh salmon mixed together. I decided to serve them with thinly sliced baguette and some lovely, crunchy and tangy caper berries (you could, of course, serve this also with other condiments such as quick homemade pickles, or cornichons for example).

To make this recipe you will have to poach the salmon first – the poaching liquid consists of white wine, water, lemon zest, chile, bay leaf, peppercorns, coriander, spring onion tops and sea salt. To this I added a few slices of fresh ginger and a few sprigs of thyme and parsley.

Bring all the ingredients to a gentle boil for a few minutes, then turn down and poach the fresh salmon for about a minute. Take the salmon out of the poaching liquid, let cool and mix with the cubed smoked salmon, finely minced shallots, freshly ground black pepper, sea salt, butter, lemon juice and lemon zest. You are aiming for a coarse, slightly stringy texture. Place in the fridge for a few hours.

A little like a salmon terrine, this dish is terrific with thinly sliced bread, served as a starter. Dorie´s recipe is certainly a quick and easy recipe and perfect for summertime entertaining maybe set into individual ramekins for a sensational starter. Although I must say that the kids devoured this sans dinnerparty guests. I believe this is one of my favorite recipes for an appetizer in Dorie´s book yet.

To see how much the other members of the French Fridays with Dorie group enjoyed this recipe, please go here.

If you happen to own Dorie Greenspan´s "Around my French Table", you will find the recipe for these lovely Salmon Rillettes on pages 26-27.


  1. Your little taste testers love of this dish says it all. :) My husband loves smoked salmon as an appetizer so I know he would enjoy the salmon rillettes. By the way, I've had problems with being able to comment on blogspot again but I've enjoyed all your wonderful posts. Your pretty elderberry cake was just wonderful…simple but I'm sure so good with the delicious filling.

    1. Karen, simple is the best when it comes ot a lot of recipes - yet the elderflower cake does take a bit of time preparing - at the very least you have to collect fresh elderflowers and use them immediately and plan on making your elderflower cordial a few days or a day in advance before you can use it in the frosting of the cake and for the strawberry filling as well, then you will need to make fresh strawberry that as it may, it it a wonderful, seasonal cake and my guests adored it. The salmon rillettes are definitely made for salmon lovers. Sorry about the trouble with blogger, unfortunately I cannot influence that - thank you for the comment and have a nice weekend.

    2. We used to have one elderflower that had been planted right by my garden in New Hampshire but several bad winters eventually killed it. I know that you and others can't do anything to fix the comment problems that I experience on blogspot from time to time but it makes me feel bad when I can't leave a comment…especially on something as special as your cake was. I hope you have a lovely weekend with your family.

    3. Karen, I did check and re-check with my darling resident IT-expert but we have not come up with a reason why blogger does not seem to accept comments sometimes - I appreciate your efforts, of course, and understand that it can be frustrating at times but hopefully, it will not happen again! Thank you for your wonderful comment and for taking the time to come "back for a visit", I certainly appreciate it! Hope you are having a nice weekend - it is a long weekend here - Whitsun - stores and all are closed and the kids are off from school.

  2. Wow your kids have sophisticated tastes! That's so great!

    1. Well, yes and no - we just adored how this tasted but we adore fish in general and salmon in particular.

  3. I agree, Andrea, this is one of my favorite recipes for an appetizer from Dorie´s book yet. Although I felt this was the "fishiest" tasting of her three rillettes, it didn't bother me at all. The combo of the two salmon mixtures, one smoked and one poached, was perfect. I added an extra 1 1/2 ounces of smoked salmon just to finish off the package and think I overplayed my hand with that. Otherwise it was a perfect appetizer and a sandwich mix for my next day's hiking lunch. I have always thought your kids (and, Diane's) have sophisticated palates. That's thanks to their two mothers and very nice to see. Now I am off to pick my veggie choices for this months CCC.

    1. Mary, obviuosly you liked these lovely rillettes as well - good, we are not alone then!

      Do not forget about your Cottage Cooking Club selections - I must admit that Mr. Whittingstall´s recipes are sooo good this month! It certainly also helps to have great, early summer (seasonal), abundant produce available everywhere!

      Andrea & Co.

  4. these will make such scrumptious and quick to make appetizers...awesome food clicks...since we are vegetarians...will be trying out with mushrooms instead,thanks so much...Have A Wonderful Day!!! :-)

    1. Kumar, how very nice that you are commenting on the photos - I must admit that makes my day!

  5. Glad you enjoyed this. It was not my cup of tea, but at least I know.

    1. Gaye, that´s too bad - we were all absolutely crazy about this one!

  6. It is always nice to have a wonderful group of taste testers, love little bites like this. Very elegant and sophisticated! I just realized I do not have this particular cookbook, will have to order one. Thanks!

    1. Cheri, thank you, small is indeed wonderful and appetizers and small plates always seem to be a huge hit not only around here but everywhere. If you are on the lookout for a cookbook and like French cuisine, "Around my French Table" is certainly a great book to buy, I know, my copy is falling apart at the seams.

  7. I absolutely adore salmon rillettes - we often have them for dinner while watching a movie! Yours look amazingly creamy and fresh - wish I were there to taste them! Have a wonderful weekend! I think we are going to try and see a mid-morning showing of the new movie "Chef." Hope it is as good as everyone says. Tchuß~ David

    1. Dear David, I think we have found a new favorite appetizer recipe - I had no idea, the things I learn while cooking my way through "Around my French Table" - amazing!
      Thank you, dear friend, for all your kind words - hope the movie is going to be as good as they say!
      Schönes Wochenende!

  8. this is so scrumptious - I LOVE food like this - your pictures - as always are simply beautiful!

    1. Mary, I could not agree with you more, food like this is just the best! Thank you, for the comment!

  9. I'm very impressed that your kids ate this! I daydream that someday my son will willingly eat anything I hand him. Gorgeous photos! Looks lovely.

    1. Ei, the kids just happen to love salmon and the salmon rillettes tasted creamy and mild with that wonderful, fresh and smoked salmon - and with a few slices of baguette, they were quite content. And I am always grateful for that. Thank you for stopping by!

  10. Love, love, love your photos! And the recipe isn't half bad either....

    1. That´s nice, thank you dear Cuisine de Provence! I love to get comments on my pictures!!!

  11. Beautiful photos Andrea! And your salmon rillettes look wonderfully delicious! Have a great weekend!

    1. Kathy, thank you kindly - glad we both loved this wonderful recipe!

  12. Beautiful looking salmon rillettes. I particularly love the gorgeous colour, Andrea. Fish does so well with simple preparations and this one is just that. Very delicious!

    1. Dear Nazneen, hope you had a wonderful birthday and that you are feeling much better now - thank you so much for the comment! Fish is always good with us but this was one wonderful recipe that I shall keep in mind becuase I will be making more of it.

  13. This looks like a wonderful recipe. I'd love to try it for my book group!

    1. Beth, I am quite sure that the ladies from your book club will enjoy these salmon rillettes - this is one of my favorite recipes form Dorie´s book so far.

  14. This was really tasty and your pictures make me want to make some more.

    1. Diane, I agree that this was one fabulous recipe indeed!

  15. Awesome photos! and love your fish theme presentation! of course you got a lovely salmon rillette there!

    1. Thank yo kindly, Emily - these are wonderful rillettes and a recipe that I shall keep in mind when looking for a healthy, delicious, light spread for guests.

  16. Hi Andrea, just stumbled across your wonderful seasonal blog. Thought I'd say how much I'm enjoying it and look forward to your updates.

    1. Hello David, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment - it is quite nice to read that you enjoy my blog! I am on my way to take a look at your blog now!

  17. Capers were a perfect accompaniment! Beautifully done, my friend!!!

    1. Thank you. Liz - caper berries are always nice with fish.

  18. Always enjoy seeing your outdoor dining! Inspire me to enjoy meals outside more often. :) The one on the top of salmon is caper berries? I know only capers, and don't know of caper berries. My son loves smoked salmon and capers - he'll naturally love this dish!

    1. Nami, these are indeed caper berries not capers - they are much larger than regular capers. The caper bush is a plant that is best known for the edible flower buds (capers), often used as a seasoning, and the fruit (caper berry), both of which are usually consumed pickled.That´s the only difference, flowerbuds versus fruit. Nice to hear that my kids are not the only one who like capers and fish.

  19. Es sieht so lecker aus! Und wieder unterstreichen die tollen Fotos das Rezept so sehr, dass man es am liebsten gleich nachkochen möchte.
    Hoffentlich ist das Unwetter bald verzogen, damit die Sonne wieder für die Fotografin scheint :-)

    1. Liebe Wally, das Unwetter hat schlimmen Schaden angerichtet - besonders auch in Düsseldorf (aber das weißt du ja sicherlich) - es war ziemlich schlimm und ich mein Bestes getan meine Pflanzen (und die Kaninchen) in Sicherheit zu bringen. Mal sehen, wie es heute abend wird..
      Das Rezept ist übrigens der absolute Hit - eins meiner Lieblingsrezepte aus dem Dorie Greenspan Buch - falls du es nachkochen möchtest, hier ist der Link zu dem Rezept (sollen wir in der Gruppe ja nicht veröffentlichen).
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

    2. vielen Dank für den Link :-)

    3. Gern geschehen - wenn du das Rezept für die Rillettes einmal ausprobierts, lass´ mich doch mal wissen, ob sie dir/euch geschmeckt haben!

  20. I love the blue checkered napkins and those knives. You always have the nicest serving vessels, utensils, etc. This is one of my favorite appetizers from the book too.

    1. Jora, you know how it is. Great minds...we loved this Salmon Rillette recipe and I am planning on serving this throughout the summer, maybe with different kinds of crackers or bread. Thank you also for the lovely compliment with respect to my props - makes me happy to read that you enjoy them!

  21. I think my husband would adore this dish Andrea! He is a big fan of salmon (you could actually say that it's his favourite food) and I am sure the bowl would be empty in a flash! I've never read anything from Dorie Greenspan but I'm very curious to start... the Fridays with Dorie series is such a lovely introduction to her style of cooking. I will try this soon! Yum! xx

    1. Laura, you would have loved participating in the French Fridays group - and as far as I can tell, there will be a follow-up group with respect to Dorie´s new baking book due to come out at the end of the year. Yes, we love salmon too and thes Rillettes were utterly delightful if I may say so - I love the technique of poaching salmon first, then adding the smoked salmon to the dish. Perfect. Thank you for your kind comment!

  22. I really enjoyed this one too. Your capers are making me drool :-)

    1. Cher, indeed, capers and caper berries seem like such a nice compliment to these wonderful Salmon Rillettes.

  23. Those capers look fantastic! I think they were a perfect accompaniment for these. I've loved all the rillettes recipes we've done in the group and think they'll be showing up on my table for years to come.

    1. Teresa, weren´t all the Rillettes recipes form Dorie´s group wonderful - I am quite grateful for all of them but I must say that we loved this particular Salmon Rillette recipe the best!
