Sunday, August 23, 2015

"Put up or shut up!" with the Kitchen Guerilla // "Butter bei die Fische!" mit der Kitchen Guerilla

The Kitchen Guerillas called Olaf Deharde and the brothers Onur and Koral Elci are a so-called "mobile kitchen unit" with roots in Istanbul and Hamburg. Since 2009, they have "hijacked and seized hold off" ships, restaurants, beer gardens, deserted premises, construction sites and the likes - all being rather unusual and unique spaces for a dining experience of a different kind. Just like they did last Thursday at the Gare du Neuss, a former railroad station.

The unparalleled success story of the Kitchen Guerilla began with meetings and dinners that the founders organized for family and friends in their own homes and kitchens. Today, the self-taught cooks have managed to turn their passion into their profession (don´t we all want to do just that?!). They share a common passion for delicious and high-quality food and ingredients with their guests and it is an important part of their philosophy to cook with local ingredients from producers and merchants that they personally know and appreciate.
Die Kitchen Guerillas Olaf Deharde und die Brüder Koral und Onur Elci sind ein "mobiles Kochteam" mit Wurzeln in Istanbul und Hamburg. Seit Oktober 2009 kapern sie fremde Restaurants, Biergärten, leerstehende Hallen, Schiffe, Baustellen und andere ungewöhnliche Locations, wie den Gare du Neuss am letzten Donnerstag für ein "Butter bei die Fische" Dinner.

Der erstaunliche Werdegang der Kitchen Guerilla nahm ihren Anfang mit Treffen in den eigenen vier Wänden und Küchen mit Freunden. Heute veranstalten die Autodidakten zahlreiche Kochevents und haben es erfolgreich geschafft, ihre Leidenschaft zum Beruf gemacht. Mit ihren Gästen teilen sie ein Faible für leckeres und qualitativ hochwertiges Essen in geselliger Runde. Ihnen ist es ein Anliegen ein Bewusstsein für gutes Essen und ehrliche Produkte zu schaffen. Daher kochen sie auch am liebsten mit Produkten aus der Region und von Händlern, die sie kennen und mögen.

The menu for the evening consisted of the following: a starter of rustic sourdough bread served with salmon, herb butter and fresh cress; followed by mini trout fish cakes with Frankfurt herb-mayo and a colorful salad; then salmon and mackerel ceviche with a side of panzanella;  then organic prawn burgers; and incredibly delicious fresh cod in a beer batter accompanied by three kinds of delightfully crunchy vegetable chips (potato, sweet potato and red beet) and some more of that herb mayo; and as the grand finale we enjoyed a refreshing watermelon sorbet with basil pesto and cold pressed pistachio oil
Das Menü für den Abend: ein Ameuse-Gueule bestehend aus Bauernbrot mit Kräuterbutter, Lachsfilet und Kresse; dann Mini Fischfrikadellen von der Forelle mit Frankfurter Kräuter-Mayo und einem Salat; gefolgt von Lachs- und Makrelen Ceviche mit Panzanella; danach gab es Bio-Garnelenbrötchen; frischen Dorsch in Bierteig mit dreierlei knusprigen Gemüsechips (von der Kartoffel, Süßkartoffel und rote Beete), dazu Kräuter-Mayo. Zum krönenden Abschluss schließlich ein erfrischendes Wassermelonensorbet mit Basilikumpesto und kaltgepresstem Pistazienöl.

The beautiful, long dining table was elegantly dressed up for an evening with many illustrious guests.
Die lange Tafel wirkte elegant und festlich eingedeckt für die vielen illustren Gäste des Abends.

True to the delighful motto for the evening "Butter bei die Fische" - literally translated "butter to the fish" and meaning "get to the point!", the evening left nothing to be desired with all those amazing culinary creations by the Kitchen Guerilla as well as all that freshly taped beer.
Das sinnreiche Motto des Abend war "Butter bei die Fische!" Wahrlich ein ganz besonderer Abend "im Zeichen von Fisch und Bier", denn mit frisch gezapften Pilsner Urquell und vielen leckeren Kreationen zum Thema "Fisch" erwartete die Gäste ein runder Abend im typischen Guerilla-Style.

The Kitchen Guerilla staff busy cooking in the make-shift open kitchen.
Die Mitarbeiter der Kitchen Guerilla bei der Arbeit in der offenen Küche. Konzentriert, schweigsam, effektiv.

The charming master brewer from the traditional Pilsner brewery who served all his guests in the Czech and English language and who was extremely knowledgeable about the history of the legendary brewery.

Der charmante Braumeister von der Traditionsbrauerei Pilsner Urquell, der die Gäste in Englisch und Tchechisch bewirtete, wusste viel über die Geschichte des legendären Pils zu erzählen. 

The dining table was decked in crisp white linen and was decorated with delightful recipe cards from the Kitchen Guerilla, as well as dried hops, colorful beer coasters, many a Weck jar and elegant white porcelain. Very harmonious.
Die Tafel war mit weißen Leinendecken gedeckt und zur stimmigen Deko gehörten natürlich die Rezeptkarten der Kitchen Guerilla, getrockneter Hopfen, bunte Bierdeckel, Weckgläser und weißes Porzellan.

There was a discernable cheerful atmosphere among the guests, attributable, no doubt, not only to the fabulous food and the rather copiously served Pilsner beer but also thanks to the unique location and ambience of the Gare du Neuss.
Unter den Gästen war die Stimmung ausgelassen, was wohl nicht nur an dem tollem Essen und dem großzügig ausgeschenkten Pils lag, sondern auch an der einzigartigen Location und dem Ambiente des Gare du Neuss.

The pretty menu cards and the Ameuse-Gueule of rustic bread, with opulent herb butter, salmon and cress - delicious!
Die Menükarten und das Amuse-Gueule - Bauernbrot mit opulenter Kräuterbutter, Lachsfilet und Kresse - lecker!

A flea market is held on a regular basis at the Gare du Neuss. You can also rent the premises of the former railroad station for private parties and other events. 
In den große Hallen des Gare du Neuss findet immer samstags ein Flohmarkt statt. Die Räume der ehemaligen Bahnstation können auch für private Feiern und Veranstaltungen gemietet werden.

There were two kinds of Ceviche (a dish that originally hails from Peru) served alongside an Italian bread salad (panzanella). To my delight, those three dishes they were served in enamel bowls (almost identical to the ones I have at home).
Zwei verschiedene Ceviches (ein aus Peru stammendes Fischgericht) und ein Panzanella (italienscher Brotsalat) wurden in rustikalen Emailleschüsseln serviert (sahen fast so aus wie meine zu Hause).

On the premises of the Gare du Neuss, you will also find the Café Cargo. The Café seems to be guarded by a rather well-known French field commander.
In den Hallen des Gare du Neuss befindet sich außerdem das Café Stückgut, bewacht von einem überdimensionalen französischen Feldherrn.

The many guests stayed well into the night - at the end of the memorable evening they were sent on their merry way with a farewell present from the Pilsner brewery.
Bis weit nach Mitternacht blieben die Gäste, bevor sie mit einem kleinen Abschiedsgeschenk von Pilsner Urquell ins nächtliche Neuss verabschiedet wurden.

I re-created the Trout Fish Cakes that we enjoyed on Thursday as part of our dinner - I glanced the recipe form one of the menu cards.
Heute habe ich dann die Forellen-Frikadellen nach einer der Rezeptkarten zubereitet, die bei der Veranstaltung auslagen.

Trout Fish Cakes à la Kitchen Guerilla
(serves 4)

Ingredients for the Fish Cakes
  • 500 grams freshly chopped fish (such as trout or salmon)
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 75 gram potato starch
  • 50 grams wheat flour
  • 50 grams fresh bread crumbs
  • 2 tbsps fine sea salt
  • 1 tbsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 eggs (M), organic or free range
  • about 100 ml milk
  • 75 grams unsalted butter, melted and cooled
Forellen-Frikadellen à la Kitchen Guerilla
(für 4 Portionen)

Zutaten für die Fisch-Frikadellen
  • 500 gehackter Fisch (z. Bsp. Forelle oder Lachs)
  • 1 Zwiebel, feingehackt
  • 75 g Kartoffelmehl
  • 50 g Weizenmehl
  • 50 g Semmelbrösel
  • 2 TL feines Meersalz
  • 1 TL schwarzer Pfeffer (frisch gemahlen)
  • 2 Eier (M), Bio- oder Freilandhaltung
  • ca. 100 ml Milch
  • 75 g geschmolzene Butter (ungesalzen, abgekühlt)

Preparation of the Fish Cakes
  1. Mix together the finely chopped fish and the onion and put them in a food processor, whiz together briefly.
  2. Then place the fish mixture in a medium bowl and mix together wit the potato starch, wheat flour, bread crumbs, salt, and pepper. Then add the eggs and the milk and beat everything together until the mixture becomes light and fluffy
  3. Add the melted butter to the fish mixture and place the bowl in the refrigerator for about an hour.
  4. Form patties with the fish mixture and fry them in pan, on medium heat.
  5. Keep the fish cakes warm while you prepare the rest and serve them alongside a herb mayo and a salad with a raspberry dressing (optional).
Zubereitung der Fisch-Frikadellen
  1. Den kleingehackten Fisch und die fein gewürfelten Zwiebeln vermengen und in den Blitzhacker geben.
  2. In einer Schüssel mit Kartoffelmehl, Weizenmehl, Semmelbrösel, Salz und Pfeffer verrühren und mit den Eiern und der Milch schaumig schlagen.
  3. Danach die geschmolzene Butter einrühren und die Masse für ca. 1 Stunde im Kühlschrank ziehen lassen.
  4. Die Frikadellen formen und in heißem Fett in einer nicht zu heißen Pfanne ausbraten.
  5. Die fertigen Fisch Frikadellen im Ofen warm halten und wahlweise mit Frankfurter Kräuter-Mayo und einem buntem Salat mit selbstgemachtem Himbeerdressing servieren.

Frankfurt Herb Mayonnaise
(inspired by the Kitchen Guerilla)

Ingredients for the Herb Mayo 
  • 2 egg yolks (M); organic or free range
  • 150 ml neutral salad oil (such as sunflower oil)
  • a bunch of the famous "Frankfurt herb mix" which includes curly-leaf parsley, chives,  sorrel, borage, cress, chervil, and pimpinella
  • 100 grams plain jogurt
  • fine sea salt
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
Frankfurter Kräuter-Mayo
(inspiriert von der Kitchen Guerilla)

Zutaten für die Kräuter-Mayo
  • 2 Eigelb (M), Freiland oder Bio
  • 150 ml neutrales Öl (z. Bsp. Sonnenblumenöl)
  • ein halbes Bund Frankfurter Kräuter (krause Petersilie, Schnittlauch, Sauerampfer, Borretsch, Kresse, Kerbel und Pimpinelle)
  • 100 g Vollmilchjoghurt
  • feines Meersalz
  • frisch gemahlener schwarzer Pfeffer
  • 1 El frisch gepresster Zitronensaft

Preparation of the Herb Mayo
  1. Turn the processor on and, with the motor running, add the oil in a thin, steady stream through the top of the lid.
  2. Clean and dry all your herbs and chop finely.
  3. Add the chopped herbs (about 60 grams) to the yogurt.
  4. Add the yogurt mix to the mayo mix and add salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste. Place in the fridge until ready to serve.
  5. Serve the cooled herb mayo alongside the warm fish cakes.
Zubereitung der Kräuter Mayo
  1. Eigelbe und Öl in einem schmalen hohen Gefäß mit dem Schneidstab zu einer Mayonnaise mixen.
  2. Kräuter waschen, trockenschleudern, von den Stielen zupfen und fein hacken.
  3. Kräuter (ca. 60 g) mit Joghurt mischen. 
  4. Mayonnaise mit Kräuterjoghurt verrühren, mit Salz, Pfeffer und Zitronensaft abschmecken. Bis zum Servieren kalt stellen.
  5. Die gut gekühlte Kräuter-Myo zu den warmen Fisch-Frikadellen servieren.

Koral Elci from the Kitchen Guerilla team and The Kitchen Lioness.

A big fat Thank You all the way to Hamburg (or wherever the Guerilla is cooking these days) for a very memorable evening!
Koral Elci vom Kitchen Guerilla Team und die Kitchen Lioness!

Ein riesiges "Dankeschön!" nach Hamburg (oder wo auch immer die Guerilla gerade kocht) für einen unvergesslichen Abend! 


  1. This just sounds like a magical evening. Did they put you to work, Andrea, or did you just steal a minute of their time for a photo op. Being a beer girl, I would have loved the beverages but the entire menu sounded delicious. Thank you for sharing this rather unique evening with us all. And I am sure the girls enjoyed the fish cakes that you later re-produced. You are really something.

    1. Mary, no, unfortunately I did not get to cook along with the Kitchen Guerila but who knows, maybe one day, I will be able to help out in the kitchen. But for last Thursday, I was quite happy to just sit back and relax and let myself be treated to quite a dining experience!
      Thank you for your wonderful words,

    2. You looked beautiful and happy. (I forgot to say that in my comment.)

  2. This sounds like so much fun! The whole evening, the decorations, and, of course, the food sound like such a treat. And, it's great to FINALLY see a photo of my dear friend, the Kitchen Lioness. The fish cakes look delicious too!

    1. Betsy, it was a true treat - I was so very happy to be able to attend the dinner event and it was all and more that I had expected.
      Thank you for your kind comments,

  3. What a fun evening! The decorations, location, and food seem like a perfect formula for success! And who doesn't like to eat delicious food like this. The added bonus is FINALLY seeing a picture of my dear friend. Now I have a face to go with your writing.

    1. Betsy, so sorry it has taken sooo long, dear friend, but I certainly appreciate your patience!

  4. Die Fotos sind fantastisch und die Geschichte die Du darüber geschrieben hast ist so nett zu lesen.
    Vielen Dank daß wir an diesem kulinarischen Abenteuer teilnehmen durften.
    Liebe Grüße wieder zurück aus Lima

    1. Liebe Daniela, von deinen schönen Fotos auf facebook konnte ich sehen, dass du einen tollen Urlaub in Europa verbracht hast - viele wunderbare Städte besucht hast und richtig gut gespeist hast - genau was man einfach manchmal braucht!
      Schön, dass ihr gesund und munter wieder in Lima eingetroffen seid und liebe Grüße nach Peru,

  5. Lovely Andrea, it's so good to see your smile!
    Love this post and those trout cakes. I'm going to make them tonight
    for my li'l sweetheart and get some practice for the w/end when they'll
    make their debut for the whole family.
    Hope you're all well. xoxo

    1. Dear Colette, the trout fish cakes were quite favorably received at home if I may say so myself - it is a nice, uncomplicated recipe that is sure to please your family and guests.
      Thank you for your very kind words,
      P.S.: Make sure to give "little Miss Daisy" a big hug from me!

  6. What a delightful and unique evening and you covered it so well Andrea! How fun to see a picture of you too, now I can put a face with you!! It's so funny, how we conjure up mental images of people - I had you pictured with dark hair and very pretty - I was wrong about the hair but right about the pretty!!!

    1. Chris, I certainly hope that I did not disappoint you with my image - I did put a few personal pictures up on facebook during the last couple of weeks as well - so, I figured this picture would not be too much of a surprise!
      Thank you for stopping by - hope you had a smashing time with your four grand-kids visiting over from the lovely UK!

  7. What a marvelous event! Such attention to detail as well as amazing food! And so nice to see your beautiful face :)

    1. Liz, thank you so much - a fun-filled and most unique evening indeed that I will carry in my heart for a long time to come!

  8. What a wonderful evening and what great food. Is there a chance to go if I visit Germany?

    1. Gerlinde, man weiß ja nie lange vorher wo die Kitchen Guerilla kochen wird - sie hat ein Standbein in Hamburg sowohl als auch in Istanbul and bereist auch gerne mal ferne Länder um dort Aktionen und Kochevents zu organisieren. Man weiß nie...
      Liebe Grüße nach Santa Cruz,

  9. What an exciting event and so much great food! Your trout cakes look quite wonderful and it's nice to see you in a photo! It's always interesting to see what someone really looks like :-)

    1. Amy, thank you for your comment - although there will not be many pictures of the (shy) me on fb or on my blog - this one made the cut and I am glad that I posted it!

  10. Hi Andrea, sounds like a fun and delicious event. I enjoy being around others that are passionate about what they do. So nice to see a picture of you, now I can put a name to a face. Take care!!

    1. Cheri, it was indeed incredible fun to be around "liked minded" folk and enjoy an evening of fun and amazingly fresh food! And a great opportunity to socialize with guests that share a common interest in the Kitchen Guerilla´s philosophy/concept, good-quality food and unique locations.

  11. Oh, my - what a fun evening, and so elegant in the train station! I love the menu - it is so fresh and simple, and the photo of you is absolutely wonderful! Your fish cakes are perfect, and I saw fresh Forellen in the market yesterday when I was picking up my birthday lobster. Mark will enjoy these cakes soon. I hope you have a wonderful weekend planned. I will finally mail your birthday gift... sorry it took so long but it just arrived yesterday zu Haus. Liebe Grüße, David

    1. Dear David, hope you had a wonderful birthday, my friend! I am quite sure that the food you served including the lovely dessert left absolutely nothing to be desired! Thank you for mailing me a birthday gift - certainly, you are spoiling me!!!
      Liebe Grüße nach Tucson!

  12. what lovely pictures Andrea!! Love this post.! I bookmarked these fish cakes a la guerrilla. You look absolutely nice :)

    1. Gloria, thank you the Trout fish cakes are a true treat - if you get a chance to make them some day, please let me know how much you liked them!

  13. what a wonderful event, thanks a lot for sharing the photos with us. i love your food presentation.
