Impressum / DSGVO

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Schamong Kaffee - Artisan Coffee Roaster "Schamong" (Cologne, Germany)

Coffee. Coffee is a beverage that certainly brightens my day.
I love to drink coffee. Whether I prepare it with my coffee machine, my espresso maker or my lever espresso machine. Whether I am on the road, drop by a corner coffeeshop, or while running errands. Of course, the coffee does not always taste great but I always look forward to enjoying a good cup of coffee with a great deal of anticipation. That´s just everyday life.
But there are still moments that let me pause for a little longer than usual, those moments when I have come across something special that stands out from the routine of that everyday life. My most recent such exiting "discovery" is an artisan coffee roasting company called "Schamong" in the City of Cologne, Germany. Founded in 1949, it is the oldest coffee roasting company in that city.

Kaffee. Kaffee weckt mich am Morgen, begleitet mich durch den Tag.

Ich trinke furchtbar gerne Kaffee. Ob aus der Kaffeemachine, dem Espressokocher oder Siebträger, in unserer Küche, unterwegs, beim Einkaufen, in einem Café an der Straßenecke oder auf Reisen. Es schmeckt nicht immer gleich gut. Aber ich freue mich jedes Mal auf eine gute Tasse Kaffee. Alltag eben.

Trotzdem gibt es immer wieder diese besonderen Momente, an denen ich ein wenig länger als sonst innehalte und in denen ich bemerke, dass ich doch mal etwas Besonderes gefunden habe.
Meine neuste, besondere Entdeckung ist "Schamong". 1949 gegründet, ist es die älteste Kaffeerösterei in der wunderschönen Stadt Köln.

A roastmaster is responsible for the roasting. This is a technical skill which approaches an art form. It takes years of training to become an expert roaster with the ability to "read" the beans and make decisions with split second timing. The difference between perfectly roasted coffee and a ruined batch can be a matter of seconds. Holger Nagel is the roast master responsible for roasting all the coffee beans at Schamong.
Röstmeister Holger Nagel ist für den Geschmack dieses Kaffees verantwortlich. Dass Kaffeerösten echtes Handwerk ist und mit Leib und Seele ausgeführt wird, darf man im Geschäft von "Schamong Kaffee" in der Venloer Straße 535 in Köln erleben. Buchstäblich alle Sinne benötigt Holger Nagel, um den unscheinbaren grünen Rohkaffee zu den bekannten hell- bis dunkelbraunen Bohnen zu veredeln.

If you walk down "Venloer Staße" (Venloer Street), you cannot help but notice a large window with golden letters indicating "Schamong Kaffee - Kölns älteste Kaffeerösterei" (Schamong Coffeeshop - The oldest coffee roasting company in Cologne). You can also see the reflection of the houses across the street in that very same window. I was born in and spent the first years of my life in another part of Cologne, not too far from "Ehrenfeld", the part of town where you find Schamong.
Von der Straße aus sieht man beim Bummeln auf der Venloer Straße ein großes Schaufenster mit goldenen Buchstaben, in dem sich die Häuser des Stadtteils Ehrenfeld spiegeln. "Schamong Kaffee" ist dort zu lesen, "Kölns älteste Kaffeerösterei". Nicht weit von hier, im Stadtteil Lindenthal, bin ich geboren und habe die ersten Jahre meines Lebens verbracht. Nach meiner Geburtsurkunde war ich Baby Nr. 4711 des Jahres, was in Köln eine wirklich recht bekannte Zahl ist.

Once you enter the store, you will immediately notice the cast iron coffee roaster "Probat UG 15n". This roaster has been used by the Schamong family for more than half a century. And every single cooffee bean that is sold here gets roasted in this very machine.

Next to the roaster, every single batch of roasted coffee beans will be submitted to a manual quality control - in order to find any impurities that might have gotten in between the coffee beans.
Tritt man dann bei ein, steht man direkt vor dem gusseisernen Trommelröster Probat UG 15n, der von Familie Schamong seit mehr als einem halben Jahrhundert für die Röstung ihrer Kaffeebohnen eingesetzt wird. In dieser Maschine wird jede Kaffeebohne geröstet, die später zu Kaffee oder Espresso verarbeitet wird.
Direkt neben dem Röster werden die Bohnen in einer letzten Kontrolle von Hand von möglichen Verunreinigungen befreit, die bei Ernte und Transport in die Kaffeesäcke geraten sein könnten.

Roasting causes numerous chemical changes to take place as the beans are rapidly brought to very high temperatures. When they reach the peak of perfection, they are quickly cooled to stop the process. Roasting transforms green coffee into the aromatic brown beans. Most industrial roasting machines maintain a temperature of about 600 to 800 degrees for a few minutes only. After that, the beans are quickly cooled off with water. But at Schamong where the traditional cast iron drum roaster is still in use, the slow roast method of not heating the beans to more than180 to 240 degrees for 12 to 18 minutes, yields far superior quality coffee. This process of slow roasting is at the heart of roasting. It is what produces the flavor and aroma of this artisan coffee.
Beim traditionellen Trommelröstverfahren werden die anfangs noch grünen Bohnen im schonenden Langzeitverfahren bei 180 bis 240 Grad zwischen 12 und 18 Minuten geröstet. Durch diese lange Röstdauer können sich die Geschmacksstoffe voll entfalten, wobei gleichzeitig die Bitterstoffe im Hintergrund bleiben. Im Gegensatz dazu werden Kaffeebohnen in industriellen Röstereien durch "Schockröstung" für nur wenige Augenblicke bei Temperaturen mit bis zu 600 bis 800 Grad gebrannt, anschließend mit Wasser schnell wieder abgekühlt. Dieses Heißluftröstverfahren ist zwar günstig und effizient, wegen der kurzen Röstzeit und der extremen Hitze können die Bohnen jedoch nicht besonders gleichmäßig geröstet werden.

When the beans are removed from the roaster, they are immediately cooled either by air or water. Roasting is generally performed in the importing countries because freshly roasted beans must reach  the consumer as quickly as possible.The beans are kept moving throughout the entire process to keep them from burning. Once the roasting process is finished, Holger Nagel, Schamong´s roast master, opens the ledge from the drum roaster to release the hot coffee beans onto a cooling rack. This swooshing sound of the tumbling coffee beans combined with the uncomparable smell that emerges from the roaster and wafts throughout the store, is a most unique experience.
Bei "Schamong" prüft Holger Nagel während des Röstens immer wieder die Farbe, den Geruch und auch den Geschmack der Bohnen. Schließlich, wenn der Röstvorgang beendet ist, muss der Kaffee abgekühlt werden, damit er nicht weiter röstet. Der Röstmeister öffnet eine eiserne Klappe und die fertigen, noch sehr heißen Kaffeebohnen rauschen aus der Trommel in ein großes Sieb zum Abkühlen. Dieses Rauschen, verbunden mit dem unvergleichlichen Duft, den die frisch gerösteten Bohnen verbreiten, erfüllt den ganzen Raum mit einer einzigartigen Atmosphäre.


After the beans have had the chance to cool by air  and have passed the last manual quality control, part of them will be immediately sold at the store, the other part will be used to re-fill all those coffee containers and mills at the store. If you buy your coffee beans on location, the friendly staff will package your beans using vacuum packaging with a valve which serves as an escape for to the natural gases inside the package and at the same time prevents oxygen from entering the package.
Nach dem Abkühlen, allein durch Bewegung und "frische Luft", und einer letzten Kontrolle kommen die Kaffeebohnen sofort in den Verkauf oder werden für den Ausschank in die Kaffeemühlen gefüllt. Da die frischen Bohnen noch mehrere Wochen nach dem Rösten "ausgasen", werden sie stets in Packungen mit einem Aromaventil gefüllt. So können die Gase des Kaffees entweichen, ohne dass Sauerstoff an die Bohnen gelangt.

The coffee shop offers a whole range of different coffees, coffee blends, espresso blends and decaf coffees.
Das Angebot von Schamong umfasst sortenreine Kaffees, Kaffeemischungen, Espressomischungen und Schonkaffees.

The coffee beans that are roasted here hail from different coffee plantations in Africa, Asia, South - and Central America.
Die Anbaugebiete der Kaffeebohnen reichen von Afrika, Asien und Südamerika bis nach Zentralamerika.

While shopping for your freshly roasted coffee beans, or lingering at the store while watching the daily roasting procedure, you can enjoy a wide variety of freshly brewed coffees - including cappuccino, lattè macchiato, a flat white or a cup of regular coffee.
Während man seine frisch gerösteten Kaffeebohnen kauft oder bei der täglichen Röstung zuschaut, sollte man auf jeden Fall eine der Kaffeespezialitäten probieren. Die Kaffeekarte reicht von Espresso, über Cappuccino, Lattè Macchiato, Flat White, traditionellem Kaffee und vielem mehr.

The barristas will prepare your coffee using different kinds of  coffee preparation, including the use of drip filters, lever espresso makers or a siphon coffee maker.
Es werden verschiedene Zubereitungsarten angeboten, zum Beispiel Filterkaffee, Siebträger oder Kaffee Syphon.

Apart from the wonderful coffee, you can find all kinds of barista equipment necessary for brewing that perfect cup of coffee at home.
Neben dem Kaffee führt Schamong auch jede Menge Baristazubehör, wie Milchkännchen, Latte Art Sets, Messlöffel, Espressotamper und vieles mehr.

The very friendly baristas prepare most specialty coffees using the Italian "La Marzocco FB/80".
Die freundlichen Barista bereiten den Kaffee mit einer "La Marzocco FB/80" zu.

Coffee should always be poured it into a warmed coffee cup so that it will maintain its temperature as long as possible. And don´t  these lovely espresso, cappuccions and caffè latte cups look so very pretty all lined up on top of that level espresso maker.
Auf der Maschine werden die Tassen auf die optimale Temperatur vorgewärmt. So kühlt gerade der Espresso nicht sofort ab, wenn er eingeschenkt wird. Und auf der weißen "Marzocco" sehen die weißen Tassen auch sehr nett aus.

Pruned short in cultivation, but capable of growing more than 30 feet high, a coffee tree is covered with dark-green, waxy leaves growing opposite each other in pairs.  Coffee cherries grow along the tree's branches.  It takes nearly a year for a cherry to mature after the flowering of the fragrant, white blossoms.The coffee cherry's outer skin is called the exocarp, beneath it is the mesocarp, followed by the parenchyma.  The beans themselves are covered in a parchment-like envelope named the endocarp, more commonly referred to as "the parchment". Inside side-by-side lie two beans, each covered separately by yet another layer of "silver skin". All of these layers have to be removed before the green beans are shipped around the world. The milled beans, are loaded onto ships for transport to the importing countries. Green coffee is shipped in either jute or sisal bags, rare blends are packaged in wooden barrels.
Die zunächst noch blass-grünen und nach Heu riechenden Kaffeebohnen werden vor der Röstung als Rohkaffee bezeichnet. Kaffeebohnen sind die Samen des Kaffeebaums oder -strauchs. Die Bäume könnten bis zu 10 Meter groß werden, werden durch Beschnitt aber deutlich kleiner gehalten. Am Baum wachsen die Früchte, die sogenannten "Kaffeekirschen". Nach der Ernte wird die gesamte Umhüllung (Fruchthaut und -fleisch, Pergamenthaut und Silberhäutchen) entfernt, sowie ein Großteil des in der Bohne enthaltenen Wassers. Anschließend werden die Bohnen in die charakteristischen Jutesäcke verpackt, die Hersteller, Sorte, Ursprungsland und manchmal auch die Mailadresse verraten. Beim Verpacken geraten auch schon mal Fremdkörper, wie kleine Steinchen oder Holzsplitter, in die Säcke. Damit diese nicht in die Mahlwerke der Kaffeemühlen geraten, werden sie bei der Endkontrolle bei Schamong aussortiert.

Roasting is a heat process that turns coffee into the fragrant, dark brown beans with which we are most familiar. Before being roasted, the beans are stored green, a state in which they can be kept without loss of quality or taste. Roasting brings out the aroma and flavor that is locked inside the green coffee beans.  A green bean has none of the characteristics of a roasted bean.  It is soft and spongy to the bite and smells green, almost "grassy."Once roasted, however, they should be used as quickly as possible before the fresh roast flavor begins to diminish.
Während der Röstung verändert sich die Farbe des Röstkaffees von leicht braun über mittel- und dunkelbraun bis hin zu öligem schwarzbraun. Die Kunst des Röstmeisters besteht darin, zu entscheiden, an welchem Punkt die Röstung abgebrochen werden sollte, um das bestmögliche Geschmacksbild aus einem Rohkaffee herauszukitzeln. Beim Röstvorgang können bereits wenige Sekunden Röstzeit den Unterschied machen. Auch minimale Temperaturabweichungen während des Röstens können aus derselben Sorte Rohkaffee enorm unterschiedlich schmeckende Kaffees erzeugen..

Schamong offers a very classic espresso blend called Coloniese, made from 100 % arabica beans. Not only does this espresso taste fabulous when consumed freshly brewed but it can also be turned into an ingredient for Biscotti. This particular espresso blend tastes bold and invigorating with flavor notes of dark chocolate and caramel. This blend also received the honor of being recommended as one of the best by "Der Feinschmecker" (The Gourmet) magazine.
Other espresso roasts that you can find at Schamong include the Espresso Amalfitano (received the gold medal in 2014 from the German  Coffee Roasters Guild), the Espresso Fiorentiono (received the silver medal in 2010 of the German Coffee Roasters Guild), Romano, Neapolitano and a Decaf Espresso Blend.
Schamongs Espressoklassiker Coloniese, der aus 100% Arabicabohnen besteht, schmeckt nicht nur fantastisch, er macht sich auch wunderbar als Zutat für Biscotti. Die Espressomischung ist recht kräftig und belebend, mit Noten von Zartbitterschokolade und Karamell. Dieser Espresso wurde auch von "Der Feinschmecker" empfohlen.

Schamong führt weitere Espressomischungen, wie den Espresso Amalfitano (2014 prämiert mit der Goldmedaille der Deutschen Röstergilde), den Espresso Fiorentiono (2010 prämiert mit der Silbermedaille der Deutschen Röstergilde), Romano, Neapolitano und einen Espresso Decaf.

During our most recent visits to the store, I could not help buying some espresso cups to add to my ever growing collection of coffee cups. I really enjoy these because not only do they look elegant and pretty with that nostalgic logo and lettering but they are also nice and chunky - meaning that they retain heat rather well.
Bei unserem letzten Besuch haben wir dann auch neben jeder Menge frisch geröstetem Kaffee gleich mal Espressotassen mit dem wunderbaren nostalgischem Logo und Schriftzug erstanden - ich mag diese dickwandigen Tassen wirklich gerne, denn darin bleibt der Kaffee schön lange warm.

While at Schamong, I bought two different coffee blends that are very popular with the Schamong customers. First there is the "Kölner Melange" (Cologne Blend), which is a blend of central- and southamerican coffees and espresso beans. This blend is bold tasting and yet due to the careful roasting it has a very low acid level. In 2010, this coffee received a "quality seal" from a well-known German consumer magazine. In 2013, the same coffee also received a gold medal from the German Coffee Roasters Guild. Trust me, it tastes quite delicious!

The second blend I bought that day was the "Ehrenfeld Spezial", named after the area where the company is located - the origins of this blend date back to the beginnings of Schamong itself. It is a medium roast with a strong flavor with spicy undertones and hints of mild liquorice. This blend consists of Southamerican coffees from Brasil and Columbia.
Zwei Kaffeemischungen habe ich gekauft, die sich besonders großer Beliebtheit erfreuen. Einmal die Kölner Melange, die aus aus zentral- und südamerikanischen Kaffee- und Espressobohnen besteht. Diese Mischung ist kräftig, mit rassigem Aroma und aufgrund der schonenden Röstung sehr säurearm. 2010 wurde sie mit "Sehr Gut" von "Ökotest" ausgezeichnet. Und 2013 wurde sie durch die Goldmedaille der Deutschen Röstergilde prämiert. Der Kaffee schmeckt wirklich ganz fantastisch!

Dann die Mischung Ehrenfeld Spezial, eine traditionsreiche Hausmischung, die es schon genauso lange wie die Rösterei selbst gibt. Eine harmonische, mittelkräftige Zusammenstellung südamerikanischer Kaffees aus Brasilien und Kolumbien, leichten Anklänge von milder Lakritze und würzigen Aromen.

To go with this wonderful tasting artisan coffee, I created a recipe for Biscotti - this recipe for coffee-flavored Hazelnut, Dark Chocolate & Espresso Biscotti "Schamong" will certainly add a bit of buzz to your baking. Combining the flavors of espresso with dark chocolate, vanilla, cinnamon and hazelnuts in these cookies makes for wonderful little treats to enjoy with your favorite cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate in the afternoon or any time you are looking for a sweet “pick-me-up”.
Passend zu diesen wunderbaren Kaffees habe ich mir ein Rezept für Biscotti überlegt.
Espresso, dunkle Schokolade, Vanille, Zimt und Haselnüsse harmonieren auf ganz besondere Weise in diesen kleinen Leckereien, die man natürlich besonders gut mit einer Tasse Kaffee, Tee oder heißer Schokolade genießen kann. Wenn man auf der Suche nach einem süßen "Muntermacher" ist, sind diese Haselnuss, Schokolade & Espresso Biscotti "Schamong" genau das Richtige.

Coffeeshop Biscotti "Schamong"

Ingredients for the Cookies
  • 200 grams (7 ounces) whole hazelnuts, toasted or not
  • 250 grams ( 8.8 ounces/2 cups) wheat flour, plus some for the work surface
  • ½  tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • a pinch of fine sea salt
  • 1 tsp ground Ceylon cinnamon
  • 140 grams (5 ounces) super fine (caster) sugar
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla sugar
  • 60 ml freshly brewed espresso, cooled (I used Schamong Espresso Coloniese) NOTE: 60 ml espresso is equal to a double espresso or espresso doppio
  • 25 grams (0.8 ounce/2 tbsp) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1 egg (L), free range or organic
  • 100 grams (3.5 ounces) dark chocolate, 70% cocoa solids,  chopped
Coffeeshop Biscotti "Schamong"

Zutaten für die Biscotti
  • 200 Gramm ganze Haselnüsse (zum Beispiel Sorte "runde Römer"), geröstet oder nicht
  • 250 Gramm Weizenmehl, plus ein wenig für die Arbeitsfläche
  • ½ TL Backpulver
  • ½ TL Natron 
  • eine Prise feines Meersalz
  • 1 TL gemahlener Ceylon-Zimt 
  • 140 Gramm feinster weißer Zucker
  • 2 TL Bourbon Vanillezucker
  • 60 ml frisch gebrühter Schamong Espresso Coloniese, abgekühlt HINWEIS: 60 ml Espresso entspricht einem Espresso doppio oder doppelten Espresso
  • 25 Gramm ungesalzene Butter, Zimmertemperatur 
  • 1 Ei (L), Freilandhaltung oder Bio 
  • 100 Gramm dunkle Schokolade mit 70 % Kakaoanteil, gehackt 

Preparation of the Biscotti
  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (or use Silpat baking mat).
  2. On the baking sheet toast hazelnuts in one layer in middle of oven 10 to 15 minutes, or until lightly colored and skins are blistered. Wrap nuts in a kitchen towel and let steam for about one minute. Rub nuts in a tea towel to remove loose skins (it does not matter if not all of the skins come off) and cool completely.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, sugar, and vanilla sugar until well combined.
  4. Transfer the dry ingredients to the bowl of your mixer and add the espresso, butter and egg. 
  5. Then beat the wet ingredients into the flour mixture until the mixture is well combined and comes together as a dough.
  6. Add the whole hazelnuts and the chocolate and combine well. 
  7. Divide the dough into two equal parts.
  8. Wrap each dough piece in plastic wrap and place in refrigerator for about thirty minutes and up to a day. 
  9. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  10. Dust your work surface with the remaining flour. Take the first batch of dough out of the refrigerator and using the palms of your hands, roll the Biscotti dough into a cylinder shape on the dusted surface. Flatten the dough a little to form an oval cylinder if you wish. Repeat with the remaining dough. 
  11. Transfer the dough logs to a baking sheet and bake for about 15 minutes, or until the logs have spread and doubled in size. 
  12. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and set aside on a wire rack to cool a bit. 
  13. When the logs have cooled but are still warm, slice each about 1cm (½ inches) thick, you should cut on the diagonal, using a very sharp knife.
  14. Place each Biscotti slice onto a baking sheet or onto cooling racks that you place onto the baking sheets thereby allowing for the hot air to circulate around each Biscotti cookie slice. Return the baking sheets to the oven for a further 10 to 15 minutes, or until crisp, golden-brown and cooked through.
  15. Transfer to cooling racks and cool completely.
  16. When the Biscotti have completely cooled, place them in cookie tins, between layers of parchment, they will keep for quite some time.

Zubereitung der Biscotti
  1. Ein Backblech mit Backpapier auslegen oder Silpat Backmatten verwenden.
  2. Die Nüsse auf einem mit Backpapier ausgelegten Backblech ausbreiten und für 12 bis 15 Minuten rösten. Die Nüsse auf ein Küchentuch geben, einschlagen, eine Minute ruhen lassen und dann das Tuch durchkneten und die Nüsse reiben bis die Haut der Nüsse abfällt. Dabei darf ruhig etwas Haut an den Nüssen bleiben. Nüsse auskühlen lassen.
  3. In einer großen Schüssel Mehl, Backpulver, Natron, Salz, Zimt, Zucker und Vanillezucker mischen.
  4. Dann Espresso, Butter und das Ei zu der Mehlmischung hinzufügen.
  5. Dann alle Zutaten mischen und zu einem glatten Teig kneten.
  6. Die ganzen Haselnüsse und die Schokolade in den Teig einarbeiten.
  7. Den Teig halbieren. 
  8. Die Teighälften in Frischhaltefolie einwickeln und für zirka 30 Minuten und bis zu einem Tag in den Kühlschrank legen.
  9. Den Backofen auf 180 Grad Celsius (Elektro) vorheizen.
  10. Das restliche Mehl auf die Arbeitsfläche geben. Eine Teighälfte aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen und mit den Handflächen einen schmalen, länglichen Laib formen (ungefähr so lang wie das Backblech breit ist). Mit der zweiten Teighälfte genauso verfahren. 
  11. Die Laibe auf das mit Backpapier belegte Backblech legen und für etwa 15 Minuten backen oder bis die Laibe sich (in der Breite) verdoppelt haben.  
  12. Das Backblech aus dem Ofen nehmen und auf einem Kuchenrost etwas abkühlen lassen.
  13. Wenn die Laibe abgekühlt aber noch warm sind, in etwa 1 cm dicke Scheiben schneiden. Am besten schräg, mit einem scharfen Messer.
  14. Jede Biscotti Scheibe erneut auf das Backblech legen oder, besser noch, auf ein Kuchenrost legen, das auf das Backblech gestellt wird, damit die heiße Luft um jedes einzelne Keks zirkulieren kann und die Biscotti so gleichmäßiger gebacken werden. Das Backblech für weitere 10 bis 15 Minuten in den Ofen geben oder bis die Biscotti knusprig und goldbraun gebacken sind.
  15. Die fertg gebackenen Biscotti aus dem Ofen nehmen und vollständig abkühlen lassen.
  16. Wenn die Biscotti vollständig abgekühlt sind, kann man sie in Keksdosen, am besten zwischen Lagen von Pergamentpapier lagern, so halten sich die Kekse eine ganze Weile frisch.

Address: "Schamong Kaffee"
Venloer Str. 535
50825 Köln

For more information, please consult the website "Schamong Kaffee"
Adresse: "Schamong Kaffee"
Venloer Str. 535
50825 Köln

Mehr Informationen findet man auf der Website "Schamong Kaffee".


  1. WHAT a beautiful post! as a coffee addict myself I appreciated every word! the biscotti look so good!
    Mary x

    1. Mary, well, as coffee lovers, we can appreciate the kind of work that is required to produce such wonderful coffees for us to enjoy - and why not bake some lovely Biscotti with a double espresso in the batter.
      Wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter!

  2. Such a lovely post, Andrea. Biscotti with chocolate and coffee sounds utterly delicious - and they look fantastic!

    1. Cathleen, these Coffeeshop Biscotti are delicious and meant as an hommage to this outstanding artisan coffee roasting company and their incredible coffee! The dark chocolate, hazelnut and cinnamon flavors are so nice together with the espresso.
      Thank you for the kind comment and have a very nice Easter!

  3. Thank you for such a wonderful post and a great recipe for biscotti! (Thanks also for sending it early - it saved my dinner party!) It is really interesting to read about the roasting process, and I love the smell of roasting coffee... but, hier ist eine Überraschung! Ich habe nimmer Kaffee getrunken! Immer kakao! Lieberman grüße aus Tucson! ~ David

    1. Dear David, well, especially for you, I did include the little detail in this blog post that Schamong carries wonderful decaf if ever I were to bake these lovely Biscotti for you, I would use that instead of the regular espresso - I am still sure you would love the taste.How nice that my recipe for Chocolate Biscotti saved your dinner party!
      Euch beiden ein Frohes Osterfest!
      Liebe Grüße,

  4. This was an excellent post, i must admit that I enjoyed and learned something about coffee roasting. I have yet to attempt this biscotti recipe or even the one for the lebkuchen biscotti.

    1. Lieber Nicolas, herzlichen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar - wenn du das nächste Mal in Köln bist, werden wir sicherlich mal bei Schamong Kaffee trinken. Dieses Biscotti Rezept und das Lebkuchen Biscotti Rezept werden dir bestimmt gefallen - wenn du mal Zeit hast, probier sie doch mal aus - ansonsten bring ich sie mit nach Köln!
      Liebe Grüße und Frohe Ostern!

  5. HI Andrea, what an informative post, I did not realize there was so much to the roasting process. As for the biscotti, hazelnuts are my favorite nut and the photos are just lovely. After reading this I find myself thinking about going out to the kitchen for an espresso and wanting one of your biscotti to go with it. Very nice. Happy Easter to you and your family!

    1. Cheri, there are a lot of steps involved in roasting good quality coffee - amazing isn´t it?! These Biscotti are quite nice with a freshly brewed Espresso for dunking!
      Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  6. What an incredibly informative post. Thanks for the enlightenment. The store looks amazing. Aren't those roasting machines glorious? The shop near us has one, and I always love to be there when he fellow is roasting the coffee beans. Your biscotti sound wonderful - just the thing for an afternoon treat!

    1. Cara Adri, I hope I am not being too preachy here but there is just so much work, love, and effort that goes into making good-quality coffee (and you know that, of course), I thought this handiwork needed a rather detailed hommage! And, yes, these roasting machines are indeed glorious!

  7. The espresso and chocolate must give such a deep flavor to the biscotti. I love visiting a coffee store where they do their own roasting, the aroma is outstanding even for those who don't drink coffee.

    1. Dear Karen, absolutely - the atmosphere in the artisan coffee shops is incredible - the smell, the design, the whole interior, the customers,and that incredible roasting machine that has been in service for over a century now! But my favorite thing about this place is the fact that each and every batch of roasted coffee is checked by hand by the roast master himself.
      Thank you so much for stopping by!

  8. Hello Andrea!
    Thank you for stopping by and welcoming me back in the blog world! My Easter was quite nice, I hope you also had a wonderful one.
    This was a great post, it definitely convinced me to stop by Schamong in case I visit Köln. Plus your pictures portrait everything so beautifully.
    Your biscotti look simply perfect, I love the flavours and its combination. If I were you I'ld pack them in nicely tied bags and suggest a business partnership with Schamong rightaway ;) They would be a hit at the shop, coffee with biscotti is just the perfect combo!
    Liebe Grüße,

    1. Hi Inês - so very nice to see you blogging again!!! My pleasure "to welcome you back". Hope all is well in Munich and that your studies are progressing the way you want them to. If you ever come to Köln, of course, you will go visit Schamong and bring tons of freshly roasted beans and cups with you all the way to Munich! My husband told me the same thing with respect to the Biscotti - I will bake a whole bunch of them again this week, wrap them all up nicely and bring to the very friendly staff (they were quite patient with us during that very long photo session).
      Ganz liebe Grüße von mir und bis bald,

  9. What a gorgeous post, Andrea. Really enjoyed it - felt like I was there with you.
    The coffee looks so yummy. I have a homemade LavAzza every morning. Will see if I can get my hands on some Schamong.
    When I saw the biscotti, the only thing I could think of was, "I hope Andrea's got her recipe posted for these!"
    Glad you did. Can't wait to taste them.
    Hope you had a very sweet Easter with your family. Wishing you a happy Monday. xo

    1. Colette, we did have a nice Easter, lots of sunshine, great food and all.
      The Biscotti are definitely worth making to enjoy alongside an espresso macchiato (my very personal favorite), wonderful cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate or whatever strikes your fancy.
      Thank you so much for stopping by! Have a good week!

  10. So interesting Andrea! Yes, nothing beats a good cup of coffee. You're making me want to take a trip to Cologne, this place looks amazing! Of course your biscotti would be the perfect accompaniment. YUM!

    1. Chris, you are right, absolutely nothing beats a cup of good-quality coffee. It was a wonderful post to put to together and yes, should you ever be in Cologne, now you know where to enjoy a really coffee and learn lots about the huge amount of work and dedication that goes into coffee roasting.

  11. Dear, thank you so much for your utterly sweet comment over at my blog. I got a new job in Zürich and will therefore move in the next days that's why I'm not blogging right now. There is just not enough time :( But I'm fine :) Your biscotti look delicious!! I adore them but never tried a coffee-version! It must taste heavenly!!!
    Big hug

    1. Dear Amy, so, you are in Zürich now - how do you like it there...hope you really enjoy your new job and that work has not completely taken over your life because I do miss your healthy blog posts! So, I am wishing you all the very best for the new job, health, and happiness in Zürich (I only visited once, a few years ago)!
      Mercie vielmals für deinen lieben Kommentar! Und ganz herzliche Grüße nach Zürich!

  12. Andrea, I can almost smell the aroma coming from the coffee...what a treat! I enjoyed all the pictures and the cookies with hazelnut is just perfect with a cup of coffee.
    Have a wonderful week my dear :D

    1. Juliana, I am glad that the pictures can portray some of the lovely atmosphere of this wonderful coffee roasting company and coffee shop! Thank you for stopping by!

  13. What a treat! I love coffee...and I visit my favorite shop and roaster every single day. I only wish I could drink more! I loved seeing this beautiful artisan roaster. Thank you for sharing Andrea!

    1. Monet, it had not escaped my attention you are also like to visit your favorite coffee roaster and shop as often as posibble. It is always a treat isn´t it?! Hope all is well with Lucy - take care!

  14. Wow, the blog post was so good. I enjoyed reading about this wonderful place and very nice pictures! I can smell the freshly brewed coffee already!

    1. Purabi, thank you very much - how nice that my blog post can convey some of the lovely atmosphere of this very special artisan coffee roaster - there was much for me to learn about roasting coffee when I put this post together.

  15. Liebe Andrea!
    Ich liebe Kaffee ( wahrscheinlich mein Wiener Erbe) und Dein Post über das Schamong Kaffee ist so nett und unterhaltsam geschrieben.
    Sollte ich jemals nach Köln kommen ist ein Besuch dort ganz bestimmt in meinem Programm.
    Alles Liebe aus Lima

    1. Liebe Daniela, ja, die Wiener und die berühmten Kaffeehäuser - bei meinem Besuch in Wien habe ich ganz wunderbaren Kaffee (natürlich mit den tollsten Namen) getrunken, auch wenn das schon ein paar Jahre her ist, erinnere ich mich noch gut daran. Und falls du auf deinen Reisen mal nach Köln kommst, gerne wir zu Schamong Kaffee trinken, versprochen!
      Ganz liebe Grüße!

  16. ahhh the addictive aroma of roasted coffee beans is one thing to cherish forever...and those delectable biscottis look heavenly,thanks so much for sharing :-)

    1. Dear Kumar, wonderful flavors and aromas indeed - it is hard to beat the smell of freshly roasted coffee beans paired with the taste of crunchy Biscotti with freshly brewed espresso, dark chocolate, and sweet hazelnuts. Thank you for your sweet comment!

  17. Dear Andrea, What a lovely post this is.. I enjoyed reading every bit of the place, coffee roasting company and the shop and not forget the biscotti… lovely! Thanks for sharing and photography is excellent as usual :)

    1. Kai, freshly roasted coffee and some delicious Biscotti are hard to beat and are certainly worthy of a bit of showcasing! Thank you so much for your kind comment - always nice to hear from you!

  18. This is a great post, interesting about coffee roasting! Nothing quite beats the aroma and taste of a cup of strong coffee. I'm a coffee addict who loved living in and traveling around Germany many years ago. I esp. remember the beautiful cathedral and museums in Cologne.

    1. Pam, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment - wonderful to read that you enjoyed travelling around Germany and visiting the lovely City of Cologne with its impressive cathedral and its many museums - next time you visit, you will know where to get outstanding coffee as well.

  19. Una combinazione italianissima quella della nocciola e del cioccolato, ma l'aggiunta di un caffe' cosi aromatico rende la ricetta molto interessante!
    Prendo nota anche della caffetteria casomai passassi dalle parti di Colonia.

    1. Caro Alessandro, ti ringrazio tantissimo per il tuo commento gentile!
      Buona giornata!

  20. Ok, first thing first, do they ship to the US? I have died and gone to heaven looking at your photos of these beautiful coffee roasters. I know the art and experience that goes into roasting coffee and also, how different roasters choose their levels of roasting, it's fascinating to me and I just adore trying out new coffees and coffee places, I wish I was in Cologne to join your for a cup!
    The biscotti are the perfect companions to coffee and my particular favourites are the hazelnut ones! Yours look fantastic Andrea!! Have a wonderful weekend Andrea xx

    1. My dear Nazneen, while I am not so sure that Schamong is able to ship some of their lovely coffee to the States, I could send some your way - if you have a minute, just leave me your address on FB or at And, yes, if you lived closer by, I know that you would love this place and I know that we would certainly share more than one coffee there! Thank you so much for the kind comment!
      Do take care of yourself and have a very nice weekend with your family!

  21. I learned so much about coffee from your post, Andrea. I was imagine all the aromas while I was reading. Now I need a cup of espresso and one of those biscotti to dunk in the cup. Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Betsy, thank you - I am glad that you enjoyed my lttle hommage to this artisan coffee roaster - if you are an espresso lover, you will certainly like these "Coffeehouse Biscotti Scamong", cuck full of dark choclate, they taste of cinnamon, sweet roasted hazelnuts and a hint of coffee, just perfect for dunking!
      Hope you have a wonderful weekend too - by the way, how are your bees doing this year?

  22. I rarely drink coffee, but this post makes me want to get some beans, bake those gorgeous cookies and have a cup of cappuccino!

    1. Christy, a good cappuccino and some delicious, chocolatey, chrunchy biscotti that are chock full of hazelnuts are hard to beat indeed.

  23. I love coffee and enjoy a cup of really good coffee almost everyday. I think working at a coffee shop was my dream back then because I could smell the coffee all day (unlike some restaurants - clothes smell so bad after staying in the restaurant, you know), and I get to drink coffee and love people watching... anyway, enjoyed reading this post. Now after reading your post, I long for a good cup of coffee! It's almost midnight so I'll look forward to it tomorrow morning, thinking of you and your post. :)

    1. Nami, what a wonderful comment - it certainly makes me a very happy camper to read that you enjoyed this post! Thank you!

  24. wow! i love to have 2 cup of that coffee... i love coffee.

    1. Candy, indeed, really good coffee is and always will be one of life´s great pleasures!

  25. I actually smell this coffee all the way in Minnesota.

    Gorgeous Scent!! xx

  26. I love all the photos you took, Andrea - it felt like being there! I love visiting coffee roasters and that one seems like a very special one. Your recipe for biscotti is a perfect accompaniment!
