Impressum / DSGVO

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Cottage Cooking Club

Please note that the new online cooking group called "The Cottage Cooking Club" (CCC) dedicated to “River Cottage Veg Everday”, by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall got its official start yesterday. As a group we are going to cook our way through the book starting in May of 2014

In order to register and learn more about the rules of participation, please consult the following link:
Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass die neue Online-Kochgruppe "The Cottage Cooking Club" (CCC) gestern offiziell ins Leben gerufen wurde. Diese Kochgruppe widmet sich den Rezepten aus Hugh Fearnley-Whittimgstall´s Buch „River Cottage Veg Everyday“. Wir werden im Mai 2014 damit beginnen, uns als Gruppe gemeinsam durch das Buch zu kochen.

Zu mehr Informationen wie man sich als Mitglied der Gruppe registrieren kann und um sich die Teilnahme-Regeln anzuschauen, bitte den folgenden Link anklicken:

The Cottage Cooking Club


  1. Andrea doll, you make me wish we lived in Germany! Sounds so fun.

    Also, I have a worldwide giveaway with 2 winners of the cutest lil bee salt/pepper shakers to honour Mother’s Day and benefit the effort to save the bees. Please stop by my blog when you can. Hope your Wednesday is going well. xo

    1. Well, dear Colette, no reason whatsoever to live in Germany in order to join this lovely ne online cookgroup - we are officially starting today, by the way!

  2. Can't wait to start this, love the selections for May!

    1. Dear Christy, very good - glad that you like the selection for the month of May, I tried to choose recipes that are as seasonal as possible for as many of us as possible.
